Augmented Reality Book Trailers – 15ES605

This lesson is for : Grade 5:


Students were introduced to book trailers and the elements necessary for an effective book trailer. From there, they read a picture book of their choice and developed an informative and persuasive book trailer. They recorded their trailer on Tellagami and used Aurasma to showcase their trailers. Using the Longan Library Channel on Aurasma, visitors to the library are able to hold a mobile device up to the book and automatically see a book trailer about the title they are considering checking out.

TIPC Ratings

Research & Information Fluency

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: After viewing sample book trailers, the students constructed interview questions to ask of the first grade students. They used Tellagami to organize and display their information to address the authentic task of raising interest in checking out books from the library. The students published their work to Aurasma so other students could interact with the information about the book.

Communication & Collaboration

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: The students worked with a partner of their choice to create a book trailer for a book that they read. Students used Tellagami to record their voice and persuade others to check out their book. Students had to read with expression in order to captivate their intended audience. They posted their finished products to Aurasma. Having the trailers posted to Aurasma allows students to log into the channel and view the trailers regardless of time zone or physical distances. Students also collaborated with the first grade students they had interviewed to share the final products. Students reflected on the product and process through the self-evaluation Google Form.

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: The students had to use the information obtained by interviewing the first grade students to critically think about which book to select. They also had to use sample trailers to solve the authentic task of encouraging students to check out books from the library. They reflected on the product and process through the self-evaluation Google Form.

Creativity & Innovation

Rating: Ideal – Explanation: Students analyzed trends from their research and interviews to assist them with choosing a book and creating their final book trailer. Students created meaningful, original book trailers using Tellagami and shared them through the Aurasma app on the iPads. Students reflected on the creative process and set goals for future growth.

Student Artifact

Aurasma Book Trailers from Karen Hues on Vimeo.

Lesson Materials

H21 Lesson Artifacts

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