Art-A-Day — 8404


Do you have the discipline and creativity to commit something for 30 days straight? This lesson was inspired by a local Richmond Artist, Noah Scalin, and his ongoing Skull-A-Day online art project/blog. For its first year (2007), the site consisted of daily skull art creations made by Noah. After Noah finished his project, he has continued to post daily images of skulls created by fans to the site worldwide. Noah Scalin spoke to our students about his project and how he was able to discipline himself to be creative and collaborative throughout the year he spent creating artwork and posting it online daily. Students will be challenged to create Art-A-Day and encouraged to post their daily art on Pinterest or other social media for 30 days! It’s an opportunity for students to promote their project through Pinterest ‘pinners’ who can follow, like and re-pin their pins. The class would check in on the boards to promote critique, self-reflection and create an opportunity to share ideas.

TIPC Ratings

Developing — Models strategies to guide student investigation. Designs challenges that promote synthesis of resources to address an authentic task. Students will view various websites from other Art-A-Day projects and challenges.

Ideal/Target – A higher level will be achieved when students begin interacting by participating in each other’s pins; creating the ‘art item’ that a classmate is doing and sharing it. If a student thinks of a way to get other people to form their object, with hands, body positioning, etc., they would be relying solely on others to create their object.

Ideal/Target – Facilitates and formatively assesses authentic tasks where students are engaged in meaningful questioning, critical thinking and problem solving.Students will quickly realize that traditional materials cannot be used. Either they will not have access to these materials, or ‘run out’ of traditional methods. They will need to experiment and think differently as an artist to create their object.

Ideal/Target – Develops, facilitates and assesses a learning environment where students are engaged in creativity and innovation. The focus of this assignment is to encourage creativity – how to create an object with their hands in non-traditional ways.

Student Artifact

Artifact 2
Artifact 3

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