Graphing a Line – 7567


Sometimes the best way to learn is to teach.  In this lesson students were given the task of creating a presentation on solving linear equations.  They worked together in teams to develop the directions for the process, solve a given example, and then create and solve two more examples.  They then presented their lesson to the other students in the class.

TIPC Ratings

The students were given an example problem and needed to use their research to complete it and present. They also had to come up with two practice problems and select the most appropriate digital tools to model and explain the answers. They were responsible for assembling and organizing the information to address the task. They had to select the most appropriate digital tools and information sources.

In this case, I selected the groups, but it can easily be done with the students selecting their own groups. Students established group norms and organized roles to address and complete the task. The students used the tools in Google Drive to collaborate on the product. They evaluated their team members, other groups, and even reflected on their roles as communicators and collaborators.

The focus of this lesson was for student to create practice problems and solutions, which required them to think critically and solve open-ended problems. . They were able to justify decision-making and/or problem-solving practices when they presented and during the course of the project. In their peer and self evaluations, they were able to reflect on their roles as critical thinkers and/or problems solvers.

While student were given a template, they still had to create, add, and change the information make it original. They were given creative and innovative opportunities with their problems, tables, graphs, visuals, and presentation. It was quite open to the limits of what they could do, if they worked beyond the minimum expectations.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Sample 1
  • Student Sample 2
  • Student Sample 3
  • Lesson Template

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