FEMA or RED CROSS- Job Application – 8005


More and more in today’s job market, applicants are asked to create products to demonstrate their knowledge base, skill set and desires. This demonstration gives interviewers a unique look into how that applicant will fit into the company’s mission. In this lesson, students assume the role of an applicant for a position at FEMA or The American Red Cross. They are charged with creating an infographic to demonstrate their knowledge of preparedness or giving aide when natural disasters strike. Students’ communication and collaboration skills are further challenged as they work with a group of other “applicants” to get the task completed on a tight deadline. Good Luck!

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Students were given a choice in how they organized their research. They analyzed websites to base validity as they learned more about their chosen natural disaster. In the opening of the project, students had the chance to learn more about FEMA and The American Red Cross and their roles in natural disasters when they occur with the chosen videos and teacher led discussions.

Students worked with their groups to set goals each day with support from teachers. Student initially started their work in a Google Doc for online collaborations and opportunities to work outside class. Students were able to make the most of their collaboration time in the classroom as they followed chosen norms set by their groups.

Student applied their new knowledge to create an informative piece about their natural disaster. The knowledge had to be presented in a format that fit FEMA or the Red Cross’ roles as either preventative tips or giving aide. Students had choice of creation format.

Students created their original works within assignment parameters with support from teachers. They displayed their understanding of the organizations, natural disasters and the English goals for author’s theme.

Student Artifact

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