Cover me! Magazine Covers of Greek Gods – 8007


This lesson is part of a larger unit of study about Ancient Greece. The students will research a Greek god or goddess; complete a 3-5 paragraph essay and create a “magazine cover”. The student products will highlight the key characteristics and myths surrounding the chosen Greek god or goddess and the connection if any to modern society. (Adapted from a lesson by Scott Rizzi)

TIPC Ratings

Students used online resources to answer questions. A choice in how to collect and organize the information was left to the students as well. Though suggested websites were given as a guide to completing their research, students were given the opportunity to find, validate and cite sources they discovered and used to answer the questions.

Students were given the opportunity to aide in giving feedback to students as they presented. This encouraged those students to set future goals for growth. However, this was not a focus of this lesson.

Students responded to higher level questions as they completed their research on their chosen god or goddess. Students also had to make decisions concerning the look, tone and what information to include and how in their magazine cover.

Creativity and Innovation are at Target level and the focus of this lesson. Students used their new knowledge to generate an original magazine cover. During creation, students had to apply elements that would show what they learned in a very different manner. Students learned to be risk takers by using the magazine cover generator to convey and teach the information they had learned.

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