Interactive PSAs


This lesson had the students learning about Drug Abuse (tobacco, alcohol,  and illicit drugs) and they had to create a public service announcement (PSA) on the dangers of  a specific  drug.  The students were allowed to pick their own groups and each group picked from a variety of websites to create their public service announcement such as: Google Docs, ThingLink, CheckThis, Spaaze, and Smore.  Once each group picked the website they wanted to use, they created their PSA using information from the LifeSkills curriculum and other online resources.  Each group’s public service announcement was due by the end of the class period.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson does not focus on this category.

Approaching – It falls into this category because the teacher designs a challenge that promotes collaboration and teacher guides without direct supervision.  The students will also create their own groups and organize roles to address a task of creating a PSA.  They will also use digital tools from a wide variety that the teacher provides at the beginning of class..

This lesson does not focus on this category.

Approaching – It falls into this category because the teacher designs an opportunity for each group to research, communicate and work together while applying critical thinking skills to create a PSA.  It also gives the students a chance to create original, meaningful work within the parameters of the PSA Assignment Rubric..

Student Artifact

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About Ann Marie Nash - Innovative Learning Coach Elko Middle School

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