The Organelle Show and Tell – 4457


In this lesson, the students posed as cell designers, under the pretense of their design being mass-produced to repair damaged vegetable harvests. In collaborative groups, the students investigated one or two cell organelles (chloroplast, nucleus, vacuole/cytoplasm, cell wall/membrane) and created a small 10-minute lesson to teach their classmates. The members chose a portion of the lesson to present, which included note-taking, presentation of images both collected and created, and an Activote quiz containing 3 questions. The students selected and used the appropriate images and tools to deliver the lesson in the most effective way. The presentations were recorded, and loaded onto the student computers. The students had time in class to watch these presentations. Lastly, at class and at home, students created a 2-D and a 3-D model of the cell including all of the organelles presented. This lesson was tied in with a community gardening program, by requesting the program’s representative to be a judge when the 3-D cell models are presented. You could also integrate this into your school’s gardening program.

TIPC Ratings

This category was not the focus of this lesson.

Students not only reflected on their communication and collaboration through a self-evaluation tool, a representative of a community gardening program, Farmer Sean, attended presentations of their cells. The teacher, garden representative, and students voted for the model they thought best represents a plant cell. Pictures of the willing students with their certifications of Excellence in Plant Cell Design awarded by the garden representative will be posted on the class blog for open responses globally.

This category was not the focus the lesson.

This category was not the focus the lesson.

Student Artifact

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  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Artifacts
  • Rubric
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