Contemporary Art Conversation – 6813

Submitted by: Jon Gregori

School: J.R. Tucker High School


AP Art History students are hired as junior curators of a newly formed online contemporary art museum, and are instructed to research and select a piece of contemporary art for the museum’s collection. The curators then record a brief description of the art period, artist and artwork, using web-based audio recording and sharing site, Soundcloud, that are posted with an image of the artwork and three credible web resources for continued learning opportunities, on the class created online art museum. Finally, the class views and listens to the descriptions of the other artworks selected, follows the links provided by the curator and post comments on the artwork and their opinions of if the artwork is “art”.

TIPC Ratings

TARGET – The Art History students learn about contemporary art by reading several articles and participating in group discussions. Then the students research to select a piece of contemporary artwork and artist for the museum’s collection. They researched the artist and the artwork and used a Website Credibility Checklist. They had to determine the reliability and credibility of the website and find 3 that they thought were the best. They posted an image of the artwork and links to the three credible web resources for continued learning opportunities. This is based on a real world scenario of the students being hired as junior curators of a newly formed online contemporary art museum.

Formal analysis of artwork includes analyzing the form (what is it made of), iconography (symbolism), and context (the setting). This is akin to the research and analysis skills that students has to use to vet the web resources such as evidence of accuracy, authenticity, and credibility.

APPROACHING – The students learn about contemporary art by researching and participating in group discussions. As curators they record a brief description of a piece of art, the artist, and the art period, using web-based audio recording and sharing site, Soundcloud. The instructor shares edit rights with students to a class-collaborative Google Site created for the online museum. Students make a new page for their artwork and description. On the page they insert an image of the artwork, linked to the best web resource, links to the other web resources used in the research, and embed the Soundcloud audio clip. Then the students go to another student’s page to view their contemporary art selection. The student will view the artwork, listen to the description and defense of the artwork, and investigate the provided links. After looking over the page, the student will post a comment about their opinion if the artwork is “art”.

APPROACHING – Art History students are hired as junior curators of a newly formed online contemporary art museum, and are instructed to research and select a piece of contemporary art for the museum’s collection. The curators then record a description of the artwork, using web-based audio recording site, Soundcloud. They also create a page in the class website – the online art museum. Students use several digital tools to interpret the piece and must use higher levels of critical thinking to defend their opinion of whether the contemporary artwork is “art”.

TARGET – The students as junior curators of a newly formed online contemporary art museum use several digital tools creatively. They use websites to conduct research, Soundcloud to record audio, and Google Sites to create a website for their artwork, including images. Finally, the class views and listens to the descriptions of the other artworks selected, synthesizes the information, and posts comments on the artwork including their opinions of if the artwork is “art”.

Student Artifact

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