Calling All Entrepreneurs! – 5380

Submitted by: Lakisha Greenhow
Collaborators: Joy McDonald, ITRT
School: Hungary Creek Middle


The goal of the lesson is to ignite each student’s fire in becoming a successful entrepreneur. The project provides an exciting opportunity to research, develop and advertise. As the facilitator, we will spark the student’s imagination and challenge them to develop fresh inventions. Most businesses in America are small and most fail. However, the ones that succeed, do so because their owners take the time to carefully plan and research. Students will complete a series of seven steps to successfully complete the task of starting their own business.


TIPC Ratings

Approaching-  Teacher performs the role of facilitator allowing students to model search techniques taught on how to evaluate authentic websites.  Students are asked to cite their work.  Key business terms will be applied to guide research using Google  Advanced search.

Approaching-  Facilitator promotes collaboration by pairing students based upon skill ability to create their own questions for a local entrepreneur.  Students will identify an authentic need for the development of a successful website.  Students will communicate with a local entrepreneur by using Skype.

Approaching- Facilitator designs website instructions that promote solutions to the authentic task of advertising to ideal consumers.  Students elaborate on critical thinking of problems by  creating a website that sustains  the  attention of consumers.

Target- Within assignment parameters students blend background knowledge with personal choice.  The students creation of a website is the product of efficient research, collaboration, communication, to synthesize knowledge.  The final process, puts the students business to the test, of consumer appeal during a Teen entrepreneur Vendor Fair.

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