iHistory – President Cell Phone – 5311


Students will create an iPhone for one of the first 5 U.S. Presidents, had iPhones existed then. Each “iPhone” will have contain at least the following apps:
• Clock
• Notes
• Calendar
• Map
• Contacts
• Photos
Students can choose what digital application to use to create their iPhone. Each of the above apps must be interactive.

Students will also write an explanation for the following:
• Choice of Screensaver
• Apps
• Why did you choose this president?
• Why did you choose to make your iPhone using the digital application you did?

TIPC Ratings

Although the focus of this lesson was not Research and Information Fluency, students were instructed in the proper way to search, assess and identify reliable online sources during their grade level enrichment sessions. Students used these skills to gather appropriate data, as well as, the resources given them by their teacher to complete this authentic task. As a result, this category is assigned a score for Approaching for this lesson.

Although the focus of this lesson was not Communication and Collaboration, and students worked individually to complete the task assigned, students determined which digital tools were best to use to complete this assignment. The product they created was designed to reflect how we currently communicate with others in the real world. Students had to include digital tools to create authentic-like applications that are used in today’s communication. As a result, this category is assigned a score for Developing for this lesson.

Students made quality decisions in order to select and apply the appropriate digital tools needed to complete this assignment. They took information and applied it to creating an authentic, real world and modern tool for communication. Students had to apply their knowledge of the subject and of the assigned product to make connections between what was essential to make the product appear purposeful and authentic. Students selected relevant information, images and processes to include in their product. Students had to apply their knowledge as a user of the product in order to make the connections between their chosen user and the product. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving was a component of this lesson.

Students were given the flexibility to determine what digital tools would be best used to complete this assignment. Students had to justify their decisions to include the “apps” they chose for their product according to the subject matter they chose. They created a meaningful, authentic, real world and modern communication tool that reflected their knowledge and researched information of the subject matter. Students had to design their product so that it reflected the needs of the user. Creativity and Innovation was a component of this lesson.

Student Artifact

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