Fund My Disease


In this lesson, students conduct research on a chosen disease. They collaborate on a website in groups of two or three designed to convince elected officials to increase funding for their disease. This lesson focuses on Research & Information Fluency as well as Communication & Collaboration. Students utilize Google Drive, Google Sites, Windows Movie Maker, and other digital tools.

TIPC Ratings

Students develop their own questions to guide research, identifying information they need to locate in order to answer the essential question. Students gain practice with keyword searching, evaluating websites, and citing sources. They must select at least 10 sources from a variety of print and non-print resources that are appropriate for the task. Information is assembled from notes on multiple sources as students create a website geared toward an external audience.

Students select tools within Google Docs to communicate with their partner. They must communicate effectively to complete the project, including a collaborative site that can only be edited by one student at a time. As part of the initial setup, they are asked to come up with group norms and divide their primary tasks equitably.

Students utilize a problem-solving method and organizer (Big 6). They select from a variety of tools in order to synthesize and demonstrate research. They generate questions to guide research and solve problems throughout the project and are asked to justify increased funding of their disease.They have an authentic task to solve and reflect at the end of the process.

Students view existing websites in order to develop their own innovative website with a specific purpose for an intended audience. A variety of digital tools for creativity are used and demonstrated that can be incorporated into the final product. Students have to balance the desire for innovative products with the amount of time allotted to complete the project. The final product is a synthesis of research and existing knowledge. Students are asked to reflect on their ability (as well as their peer’s ability) to solve problems.

Student Artifact

Download Files

Download the Following Contents:

    • Sample Websites
    • Sample Goals
    • Sample Communication Through Google Drive


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