
In this project, students worked in groups of 4 and were presented with the task of convincing the representatives of XTERRA (classmates) to have the USA portion of the XTERRA World Championships in Virginia. Groups were instructed to research what athletic events comprise the XTERRA games and to consider a region of Virginia with suitable topography for these athletic events while also considering the necessity of hotels, restaurants, and points of interest for the participants and fans. In order to “see” the topography of a city, students were given instructions on how to set up Google Earth with a topographic map overlay. This project was assigned after our unit on topographic maps. Therefore, students used their knowledge of reading topographic maps to identify key topographical features in their city. The groups each chose a different city of Virginia and “pitched” their marketing campaign to the representatives of XTERRA (their classmates) in hopes of having their city selected as the location for the next USA portion of the XTERRA World Championships. Following the presentations, the class voted for the city which they felt best met the needs of the competition.

TIPC Ratings

Students used a Research Task Sheet and the skills they learned in their grade level enrichment sessions on research and information fluency to help them determine whether websites (which they found on their own) were credible and reliable. Students conducted their own research to find information related to the assignment. Students assessed, assembled and justified their data in order to complete this authentic, real world task. Students used the digital tools necessary to display and interact with their research and complete the assignment.

Students worked collaboratively using appropriate digital tools to communicate with group members and other groups within the class. Students worked in groups to collaboratively organize, identify roles, assemble data, and justify and defend their end product. Students used digital tools to complete their task, present their product to their class, score and reflect on each group member’s participation and each groups’ presentation.

Students had to research, organize, assemble, present, defend and justify the data gathered for this authentic, real-world, and open ended project. This required higher order problem solving and critical thinking skills. In this project each group had to “pitch” or market their findings to other groups in the class. This meant they had to be able to engage in meaningful questions from their peers to support their research. They also had to use their critical thinking and problem solving skills to engage other groups in meaningful questions to gain a full understanding of that group’s research and marketing of their findings. After each groups’ presentation, all groups voted to determine which group included all the elements of the assignment rubric and “pitched” the best “marketing campaign.”

Students created, researched, analyzed, interpreted and presented trends and data to support their findings in the form of a marketing campaign. They had to create original and new ideas and justify these ideas to support their project. They had to “pitch” or present these ideas using convincing strategies in a “marketable” presentation.

Student Artifact

Download Files

  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Artifact
  • Research Task Sheet
  • Leading Questions GoogleDocs

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