Weather Project


Students were tasked to select a weather topic. They were to fully research the topic and then teach about their topic to the class. Topic choices were thunderstorms and precipitation, tornados, weather tools, hurricanes and types of clouds. Students grouped themselves based on the top three choices of weather topics. Students discussed what questions they would like to answer through their research and then researched their topics using various digital and print resources. They also used digital resoures to locate pictures to use in their final presentation and saved to their project folders. After research, the students selected how they were going to present their information to their peers. They continued to work with their group to sketch out their presentation and figure out who was going to work on what tasks. Groups then assembled each individual students task to put together a complete presentation.

TIPC Ratings

Students were tasked with selecting a topic and educating their classmates on their topic. They came up with questions themselves and selected the appropriate sources for finding the information they deemed necessary. Students organized all their information to address their topic. The teacher supported the students as they acquired information and evaluated their research. The teacher also modeled ways to help them gather information so that they had a guide to follow.

The students communicated and collaborated effectively to create a product. Students organized their information and decided who was to take on which role in the presentation. Teacher also provided a Writeboard for the students to pose questions they needed help with on the technology piece of their presentation. They also met with a second grade classroom to present their projects who was also learning about weather.

Students had to meet with the teacher to talk about what they were presenting and explain why they chose that information. The students had to apply digital tools to gain the information for their project and organize it. They also had to decide which digital tool was the best for them to use to present their information to their classmates.

The students could use a variety of digital tools to go beyond the assignment. The nature of the assignment was very open to allow for students to design and create a presentation in a style that best suited their learning needs.

Student Artifact

Malecky Hail from Jessica DelMonte on Vimeo.

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