Research Connects Fiction to the Real World

Submitted By: Emma Alcazar
School: John Rolfe Middle School


Students were placed into small groups based on the novel they chose to read over the summer. They discussed their novel using a discussion question handout, and decided as a group what topic related to the novel they would like to research further. After completing research, the students worked with their group members to create a wiki page presenting the information they learned, with a short summary of the novel, and an explanation of why they chose this research topic. Students worked with other students both in their class, and in my other advanced English classes to collaboratively create their wiki pages.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching – students developed their own research topics and synthesized their newly learned information in one Internet-based location (the wiki page) that was accessible in and outside of class.

Developing – students selected their groups, based on the book that they chose to read, and worked together electronically on the wiki.

Developing – students answered higher level thinking discussion questions and developed a connection between their novel selection and non-fiction research topics.

Developing – students combined their personal novel choices with group consensus to decide on a research topic and used technology to research and create a wiki presenting their information.

Student Artifact

Download Files

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  • Lesson Plan
  • PDF of Student Wiki Example

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