News Broadcast World War I

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Submitted by: Lara Curry
School: Freeman High School


In small groups, students created a news broadcast chronicling a specific country’s role in World War I.  This broadcast included stories from the war, as well as, the country’s role at the end of the war and most importantly your groups reaction to the War and the shaky peace.  This will be done using news anchors, special correspondents, news footage and other images.  The videos were posted to google docs and linked to a blog for commenting by other classes and students.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is Ideal/Target for Research and Information Fluency. Students used advanced searches and databases to obtain information for this project. They constructed their own questions to guide their research, then had to assemble and synthesize the information into a video and blog posts. These tools allowed the students to interact with the information and display it in a powerful way.

This lesson is Approaching in Communication and Collaboration. Students used a variety of tools to communicate and collaborate both in and outside of school. Groups were chosen by the students, as were the roles they were going to complete. Students did the majority of this project without direct supervision.

This lesson is Approaching in Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Students had to use their information and create a video from the perspective of their chosen country. They wrote and responded to videos posted on a blog with the same viewpoint. Students even responded to rebuttals from each other throughout the blog, requiring higher order thinking skills.

This lesson is Approaching in Creativity and Innovation. Students had to synthesize their research to create an original product. They communicated, collaborated, and applied critical thinking skills to address an authentic task. The final videos posted on the blog had a high degree of creativity and craftsmanship evident.

Student Artifact

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