Changes of the Seasons

Submitted by: Jodi Donham
School: Pemberton Elementary


Students researched information about the four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall (autumn). They found information about the four categories (Earth, people, animals, and plants), which guided research. Students presented information to the class using technology and children’s engineering. They were tasked to fully research their topic using various digital and print resources. Students brought in pictures and photographs that displayed their season and also brought in props from home. They were also in charge of taking pictures of each step of their research along the way. Students used their research to complete a student engineering design challenge. Recycable items were used to create a free-standing doll in which observers could name the season that the doll is dressed for without being told. Students used photobooth to record their presentation. They created a background of the season covering information pertaining to the earth, plants, animals, and people.

TIPC Ratings

Students used various print resources from the library and viewed Windows on Science to discover information about their chosen topic.

Students worked in groups while the teacher provided them with the criteria for the lesson. Teacher also provided checklists and an engineering design challenge for students to complete. The group had to create their doll and use digital tools to further interpret their season. Students then shared their knowledge with their peers in other second grade classrooms.

Students were tasked to evaluate and explain their topic through the use of a children’s engineering design challenge supplemented with digital representations of key elements related to their topic. Students were responsible for finding solutions to problems throughout the process of research, development, and presentation of topics. Student groups reflected on product and process using checklists, journal writing, and peer evaluation.

Teacher provided the opportunity for students to design and create their own doll without teacher intervention. Students worked together to construct an object out of recyclables to portray their seasons. Each group created something different and unique. They used technology to share their original presentations with the rest of the class and to peers in other second grade classrooms.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Children’s Engineering documents
  • Project Pictures
  • Student Samples

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