Re-Design Challenge

Submitted by: Carrie Fields
School: Brookland Middle School
Subject: Course 2/Math 7


In this 90 minute lesson, students will work in teams to re-design a bedroom within a budget. Each group will be given different room dimensions and budget amounts. Based on this information students will develop a plan for the re-design of their bedroom. This lesson incorporates several seventh grade math concepts including calculating area, calculating sales tax, and working within a budget.

TIPC Ratings

Students and teacher are at developing level for this category. Websites will be provided and students are responsible for navigating through them. The teacher states the topic and questions to be answered.

Teacher is at developing level for this due to instructing the use of approved communication methods. Students are at approaching level if they have decided to work with a partner. Based on the individual needs of students in a self-contained classroom, group work is not always ideal. For those working with a partner, they will need to delegate roles and use appropriate digital tools to facilitate collaboration

Teacher will be at approaching for this category. Modeling of strategies is used, the challenge is an authentic task, and supports are given. Students are at a developing level because they are applying techniques demonstrated by the teacher and using information sources with a provided checklist.

Teacher and student fall in the developing range for this particular category. Direct instruction is used and there are connections made between the subject and new ideas. Students will be able to choose certain items for this lesson, but they must be within certain perimeters.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Flip Chart
  • Student Worksheet

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