“Help me 7th Grade Scientists, my college lab report is due tomorrow!”

Submitted by: Megan Parker
School: L. Douglas Wilder Middle School


This lesson involved the collaboration between L. Douglas Wilder Middle School students and two chemistry majors attending Christopher Newport University.  The class was given the task of helping the chemistry majors gather quantitative and qualitative data for three lab experiments that were due to their professor the following day.  It was framed in the context that the 2 chem students needed the help of the seventh graders in order to successfully complete their project. The class Skyped with the undergraduates and worked in collaborative groups in order to gather all of the neccessarry information into a google doc.  During the live feed students were able to backchannel using the website todaysmeet.com in order to ask any clarifying questions throughout the lab.  The lab concluded with the students answering the essential questions and reflecting on the lesson via a discussion forum in School Space.  This lesson truly was an authentic task where students engaged in meaningful communication and purposeful collaboration. This lesson has the potential to score higher in all areas of the TIP-Chart had the teacher utilized resources that are available to college level students that may not be readily available to students at the middle school level. For example, if they were working with bacteria, using an electron microscope or a chemical that is too dangerous to use in a middle school lab.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching – Students had flexibility and choice in determining how they would obtain information regarding Christopher Newport University. Many students in the class utilized meta-search engines when locating applicable information. They also used advanced search strategies in google in order to fine-tune their queries. Information was double checked and sources cited in order to validate a website’s credibility. Students constructed questions they wanted to know about CNU and assembled and organized that information into Google Earth. Google Earth proved a powerful tool that allowed students to display and interact with the acquired information.

Ideal/Target – Students worked in cooperative as well as collaborative groups in order to perform a live, real time experiment in a college lab setting. This lesson allowed for the class to collaborate with experts regardless of physical distances (approx. 75 miles). Digital tools such as Skype, Google Docs, allowed for multiple editors to simultaneously edit a single document. Backchanneling provided the means for the students to use their computers to maintain a real-time online conversation alongside live spoken remarks. The students were also able to reflect on their learning by answering and posing essential questions via. a school space discussion forum.

Approaching – During the live Skype session students were continuously generating and responding to purposeful questions. They were able to justify their hypothesis’ and respond appropriately to questions asked by the facilitators. The use of digital tools throughout this lesson allowed for open communication and real time decision making. Their ideas generated in the discussion forum allowed for them to reflect on their roles as critical thinkers, and allowed for them to ponder what they would have done differently if given the opportunity to do this again in the future.

Ideal/Target – The kids were all given a real-world authentic task – “College students at CNU are counting on your problem solving skills in order to help prepare them for a lab that is due to their professor the following day” Many of the children immediately bought into this notion and were eagerly ready to assist in any way possible. Engagement levels were high throughout the entire lesson, and many students wanted to take on leadership roles to help the undergraduates become successful in the lab. The class was able to analyze trends and make predictions through the use of google docs and perform final reflections through the school space discussion forum.

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