The 9/11/01 Project

Submitted by: Brian Coffey
Collaborators: Lauren Mabry, Stacie Young
School: John Rolfe Middle School


Students conduct detailed research about the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 and create a series of interesting and informative displays. They can choose to express their creativity through a variety of digital and hands on media. These displays both remind fellow students about the impact of this history changing event and give them something to think about as the United States continues to move into the future.

TIPC Ratings

Approaching: The teacher gives the students a general idea or starting point, in that all topics must be related to September 11th, but the students generate their own specific ideas, questions, and topics to pursue. The teacher directly instructs on information analysis but then facilitates as the students investigate, organize, and synthesize their findings. They use the information to address an authentic task.

Approaching: Students work in self-selected groups to assist each other in data collection and task definition. They determine their roles and use various forms of communication throughout the project. The creations are a collaborative effort.

Ideal/Target: Students are required to develop their own specific research topics based on larger concepts presented by the teacher. They then must generate useful research and find ways to organize the information. They also must present the information in a way that meets the goals of the class as a whole. Students are formatively evaluated at the “check-in” as to how well they are applying their research to their problem. They answer higher order thinking questions, are able to justify their decisions, and create a product that addresses an authentic task.

Approaching: Students are given suggestions on the types of products that would be appropriate for their project. Students are allowed to bring their own creativity to the project and select their own methods to present the information. The created Power Point presentations, movies, displays, poems, or podcasts with no limits imposed by the teacher. Each project was unique, meaningful, and original combining existing and self-generated knowledge.

Student Artifact

Download Files

91101 Project Downloads

  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Handout
  • Evaluation Rubric
  • Big 6 Guide
  • Other examples of student work

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