Submitted by: Sarah Newcomb
School: Pocahontas Middle School
Students are researching a world river of their choosing and using their knowledge of Google Earth to create a place mark in the middle of their river to include all of their found research information.
TIPC Ratings
Students are deciding which resources to use to complete their research for the project. They are given suggestions to start with the OneSearch databases, but were able to branch out to other sources as necessary.
Students are working individually on this assignment, but will present their river findings to the class.
Through their research, students are finding information about the areas surrounding the rivers. They must decide what sort of factors are playing key roles to the overall well-being of the river. They must also use their prior knowledge from our studies of the 4 stages of a river to determine which stage theirs is currently in.
Students are asked to research the information and then create a place mark in Google Earth that will be used to teach others about the region that is surrounding the river. Teacher instructs students on how to use Google Earth, but also allows them some lee-way on how the information is delivered within the place mark itself.
Student Artifact