
Submitted by: Linda Mills and Donna Wine
Collaborators: Andrea Lund, Annette Marchioli, and Kim Morrison
School: J.R. Tucker High School


After reading Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns, October Sky by Homer Hickam, The Red Scarf Girl by Ji-li Jiang, and The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros (each student read two of the four books), four honors classes of freshmen (taught by two different teachers) were organized into groups of three or four to collaboratively research current coming- of-age traditions/ceremonies in the world. They also compiled their research creatively using a web 2.0 tool such as prezi, museumbox, glogster, weebly, voicethread, or another web 2.0 tool. Their projects were submitted and peer reviewed using Google Docs.

TIPC Ratings

Research and Information Fluency:

TARGET: Students were required to conduct research using at least 4 sources and at least one person to interview. They had to select their own digital tools/resources in order to access information. Parents and community members with expertise and first-hand knowledge of coming-of-age rituals were used in consulting roles or as interviewees.

The students needed to apply their research skills to ascertain relevant/accurate sources. The classes were brought to the Library where evaluation checklists and Source evaluations were available to students. The Librarians and ITRT also served as instructors and facilitators. Additionally, students were required to make a Works Cited list using a web 2.0 tool such as The easybib website validates credible sources and was demonstrated by the teachers.

After researching, students compiled their findings creatively using a web 2.0 tool that powerfully displays information and allows groups to interact collaboratively such as prezi, museumbox, glogster, weebly, voicethread, or another web 2.0 tool of their choice. The students gave oral presentations and peer reviewed other group’s projects using Google Docs. The conclusion of the project was an individual essay in which each student made specific references to their research findings and the research of others in answering the essential questions. Then, students synthesized their new knowledge to produce a product regarding authentic cultural rites of passage. Ultimately this project educated others about different cultural experiences, promoting tolerance and acceptance in a diverse society such as ours.

Communication and Collaboration:

TARGET: Students were organized into groups of three or four to collaboratively research current coming-of-age traditions/ceremonies in the world. They also communicated and collaborated with their peers inside and outside the classroom using web 2.0 tools such as prezi, weebly, and voicethread. Futhermore, parents and community members with expertise and first-hand knowledge of coming of age rituals were used in consulting roles or as interviewees.

The student projects were submitted using Google Docs and a form. The google doc spreadsheet was then made available to students in all four honors classes, so that all students could view all the projects. Later, each group presented their projects to classmates by giving oral presentations, while the observing students took notes. Finally, the students peer reviewed at least five group’s projects, via the google doc, and they evaluated and reflected on them.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:

APPROACHING: Students used many resources to research coming-of-age traditions and ceremonies. They also had to interview at least one person. After analyzing and synthesizing the cultural information, the students had to collaboratively create an electronic resource using a Web 2.0 tool. This resource was used to educate others about the different yet common coming-of-age experiences. The prezi’s, voicethreads, museum boxes, etc. addressed the function that coming-of-age traditions/ceremonies serve in society, whether or not they are beneficial or desirable today, and how knowledge of others’ cultural differences promotes tolerance and acceptance of all humans and cultures. The goal of this project was to have students collaboratively work together toward eliminating a real-world problem of intolerance.

Creativity and Innovation:

APPROACHING: After researching the topic, students synthesized their findings creatively using a web 2.0 tool such as prezi, museumbox, glogster, weebly, voicethread, or another web 2.0 tool of their choice. They had to select their own digital tools and collaboratively create a resource to educate others about cultural rites of passage traditions/ceremonies. In order to complete this project, students had to apply research skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills, and creative skills to produce an original product.

Student Artifact

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