Submitted by: Mary-Ellen Lahy
School: Short Pump Middle School
The teacher introduced animal and plant cells to students in a lecture style class period. They were given a brief description of animal and plant cells, cell theory, and the different organelles and their functions. Students were then assigned the Cell City Project. A document containing the directions and rubric were uploaded to SchoolSpace for student access. The students worked in groups of no more than three to research a city of their choice and compare the parts of the city to the different organelles found in the cell based on their function. Students used Google Earth to study their city along with other Internet resources. Students used GoogleDocs to organize their research on the parts of the cell, the city, and organize pictures to use in their final product. Students were then allowed to select any digital media tool to present their project to the class. After the lesson, the Cell App on an iPad was displayed via project to further review.
TIPC Ratings
Approaching: Students had to make their own connection between the parts of their city and the parts of the cell. They were given the freedom to select the most appropriate digital tools and information sources. The student groups initially used Google Earth to explore the design, land features, and structures found in their city. They collected their research and organized it into a google doc. Following teacher comments inserted into the shared document, students refined their research as needed.
Students selected their own partners and digital tools to communicate and collaborate. They organized their roles within the group to gather research and share with on another whether at school or at home through the use of Google Docs. Most groups also selected a media tool that all members could collaborate .
Approaching: Students had to determine how to compare the parts of a cell to the city they selected based off their research. Digital tools were applied to think critically and solve a task that involved higher order thinking skills.
Approaching: Students created meaningful, original work within the guidelines set forth by the teacher. Students were very creative in comparing the parts/functions of their city to the parts/functions of the cell