Submitted by: Tyler Hart
School: Springfield Park Elementary
Students learned about this Mexican American using a variety of reference sources. The students worked together to come up with the most important events that happened in Cesar Chavez’s life. The important events they discussed were used to complete a group Tableau Project. The students then had the choice of using Comic Life, iMovie, or Voki to present the information as well. Projects were uploaded to the class blog and class Edmodo page for sharing and continued discussion.
TIPC Ratings
This lesson is Approaching for Research & Information Fluency. Students apply research skills through the use of various print and online resources. The students assembled and organized their information into scripts for their presentations.
This lesson is Target/Ideal for Communication & Collaboration. Students initiate communication in real and non-real time through the class blog and class Edmodo page. Students collaborate and solve real world problems and create original works when they perform tableaus about Cesar Chavez with their group.
This lesson is Developing for Critcal Thinking and Problem Solving. The students responded to higher order questions and elaborated on critical thinking and problem solving practices in order to write their speeches and act out their Tableau about Cesar Chavez.
This lesson is Ideal/Target for Creativity & Innovation. Students worked together to select a scene from his life and write a script to explain the scene. The students chose between Comic Life, iMovie, Keynote, or Voki to create a Tableau about Chavez.