Heart Rate Field Study

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Submitted by: Wendy Genova & Jesse Chavis
School: Elko Middle


Health and PE students will participate in a study of what affects the human heart rate.  The lesson will be conducted as a laboratory study and a 7th grade science teacher will help to guide the students through the process of scientific investigation.  Once the students set up their study they will work with self-selected partners to select and test which exercises affect their heart rate the greatest and if their hypothesis was correct.  The goal is for students to identify that their heart rate is vital to proper exercise and physical fitness.  To apply to real life experiences, each student will create a 60 minute, customized physical fitness plan based on their lab results.

TIPC Ratings

Developing: Before searching for appropriate exercises to raise their heart rate in a safe manner, the teachers reminded the students to use safe search practices. The students were also required to analyze their heart rate data to make predictions about the effectiveness of the exercise. Once analyzed, they created a personal fitness plan to help them reach their fitness goals in a healthy and safe manner.

Developing: Students worked in self-selected groups of two to collect heart rate data. The remaining elements of the lesson were completed individually using School Space for students to post and share their final fitness plan.

Developing: Students were required to analyze data and make predictions when creating their personal fitness plan and the teacher prompted the students to answer higher order questions aloud.

Developing: The lesson made clear connections between the subject matter and contemporary issues facing children today such and awareness of physical activity and the risks of obesity. The students demonstrated their ability to question, make predictions and apply their existing knowledge of the scientific method and appropriate digital tools to the development of their own personal fitness plan.

Student Artifact


Student Lab Worksheet

(personal fitness plans were not recorded)

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Heart Rate Lesson Documents

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