Supreme Court Cases

Submitted by: Allen Riddle
School: Deep Run High School


In this lesson, students work in teams and use technology to research, understand, summarize and explain a decision handed down by the Supreme Court. Using traditional resources as well as the Internet, students research a specific case decided by the court. This activity helps reinforce that the Supreme Court is the highest court in the land with both original and appellate jurisdiction.

Students’ work is first organized using MS PowerPoint and then that information is shared with a much larger audience via Voicethread is a web 2.0 program that allows viewers to comment on the online projects in several different ways.

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This lesson is approaching as students are asked to research, evaluate, and narrow web sources of information pertaining to cases heard by the Supreme Court. Students must locate sources on their own, and determine which ones provide the most accurate and relevant information on their particular real world case.

This lesson is developing because students work in teams of two to create a Power Point file which is then uploaded to their VoiceThread account which can then be accessed by other members of the class (and the world at large.) Appropriate identifying ‘tags’ are added to the VoiceThread which allows their work to be shared online.

This lesson is in the developing stage as students use their knowledge of the law to research and evaluate existing Supreme Court case decisions where a key legal decision that has been issued. Additionally students apply digital tools to think critically about content and class assignments.

This lesson is developing as students apply existing knowledge to create an orignial PowerPoint and VoiceThread project explaining and analyzing a Supreme Court case. Students collaborate on all aspects of the assignment which allows for student choice and provides for open-ended responses.

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Student PowerPoint Example

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