Traditional Dance Fused With Modern Dance

Submitted by: Victoria Fink
School: Henrico High School


Dance teacher, Victoria Fink and guest artists taught traditional and authentic dance forms to students. Students had the opportunity to take a traditional Latin dance class from a world renowned company without having to leave the dance studio via web-streaming. This live stream workshop taught by the Bale de Folclorico streamed through Ms. Fink’s classroom computer onto a projector in the dance studio. During the period, students had four to six visits from guest artists to teach East Indian dance, Hula, Latin Social dancing, and one live stream workshop by a guest artist. In addition to the classes, students fused the traditional movements taught with modern, contemporary dance to create an authentic solo. Students were taught traditional dance forms and were able to recognize and perform these movements. After the students had a greater understanding of the traditional, they learned how to create an adaptation dance that fused contemporary movement with the traditional. Students kept a journal log of guest artist information taught and choreography skills needed to create final project. They had two additional class periods to choreograph and used additional classes to perform these pieces in front of class and teacher.

TIPC Ratings

This lesson falls in the entry level of research and information fluency. Students utilized online and book resources for research based on teacher stated topics.

This lesson falls in the approaching level of communication and collaboration. Students were taught a wide range of cultural dance forms visiting artists both in person and via web-streaming who used visuals, music, dance and language to communicate how to perform a traditional dance

This lesson falls in the developing level of critical thinking and problem solving. Students responded to the teacher generated question: “How does this dance reflect the culture of its origin?”

This lesson falls in the approaching level of creativity and innovation. Students were taught traditional dance forms and were able to recognize and perform these movements. After the students had a greater understanding of the traditional, they learned how to create an adaptation dance that fused contemporary movement with the traditional and created a new original interpretive dance of their own.

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About Tracy R. Lancaster

ITRT Henrico High School

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