Blast Off!

Submitted by: Donna Bowles, Kelly Adams, Lynn Lewis, Ginny Oosthuizen, Elizabeth Holland
School: Colonial Trail Elementary School


Student groups will create a rocket with a balloon, tape and a straw. Once the rocket is built, students will release their rockets from a starting point on a string to see how far it will travel along the given path of string. The purpose is to determine what factors, such as the amount of air and size of the balloon, influence the distance a balloon rocket will travel. Students will then measure using standard and non-standard forms of measurement and record the distance each rocket traveled. Data collected from the experiment for each group will be compared and analyzed using a class graph. Students will design their own rocket on Pixie using geometric shapes and then type a sentence describing it.

TIPC Ratings

In small groups students will discuss and apply research from Discovery Education, Onesearch and library books to choose the best design for their rockets.

Students work together in collaborative groups to plan, create, evaluate and revise rocket design.

Students use information gathered from varied resources to analyze the efficiency of each design possibility.

Students will make predictions, demonstrate their rockets and participate in the creation of a class graph to analyzing the most successful designs.

Student Artifact

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  • Blast Off Lesson Plan
  • Brainstorming, Illustrating, Assessments, and Graphing Blackline Masters
  • Student Samples

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