My Favorite Animals

Submitted by: Christine Herbert
School: Gayton Elementary


The lesson is a science research lesson based on their favorite animal. We used a rubric for the information that was to be included. Once the research was completed the children could produce a picture of their animal. The projects will be shared with peers. The children will produce on Pixie and produce a picture of their animal. Included in the picture is the information that the research will produce. Once finished the children will title their work and include a voice recording of their research to go with the picture

TIPC Ratings

This lesson is developing in research and information fluency. Students did their own research using a variety of sites and analyzed the sites for information.

This lesson is developing in communication and collaboration. Students worked both independently and worked in small groups to accomplish class assignments. Digital tools were used to communicate the assignment.

This lesson is developing in critical thinking and problem solving. Students were able to respond on higher order questions given by the teacher. Students were able to use digital tool to decide what their animal needed in order to survive.

This lesson is approaching for creativity and innovation. Students created meaningful, original work and had a solution to an authentic task for a larger audience.

Student Artifact

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