Google Earth Travel Journal: Native Americans meet European Explorers

Submitted by: Kelly Wolfgang


Over a nine week period, students created a Google Earth file explaining the food, clothing and shelter for each Native American Tribe that are studied in the 6th grade, US History content.

TIPC Ratings

The teacher lead a discussion about how to find good information using the websites provided in the directions sheet. The teacher modeled search techniques with the students and was available for further questions during tutoring sessions and in class.

The teacher acted as a facilitator during the research and creation process and provided direct instruction on the use of Google Earth. The students worked independently to research and create their project.

The students created a culminating project based on information recall and guided practice. The students utilized teacher provided resources to gather information and create a summative product.

Students had the ability to research above and beyond the required elements for each tribe and were given choices that enabled them to participate in the option of open-ended response. Students were also required to questions, summarize and make predictions based on their prior knowledge of each tribe.

Student Artifact

Zipped Google Earth File

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Student Sample

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