Measuring Contest

Submitted by: Anthony LaRocca
School: Elko Middle School


This lesson is part of a unit intended to accelerate students from teacher directed, basic measuring skills and machine use to the implementation of these skills within a self-directed, real world problem. The lesson is part four of a five part unit. Students call on their prior knowledge to decide which instruments, tools, and machines are needed to complete teacher prescribed problems. They answer questions throughout the project that enable them to demonstrate their learning. Assessment of their understanding of measurement is evaluated by the accuracy of their answers to self-paced ActivEngage questions. Once the data collection is complete, the class will evaluate the data to see what tasks they had trouble with and discuss solutions to the weaker areas of understanding.

TIPC Ratings

Developing –
This is a strong example of a developing lesson and demonstrates elements of approaching requirements. The students are using prior knowledge of measurement and appropriate tool use to determine which is needed to solve real world tasks. Students are locating, acquiring and documenting the reason for the use of the appropriate tool without strict direction from the instructor.

Developing –
The students work in groups for 3 of the 5 classes and in each class their groups change. They are communicating using a variety of techniques to accomplish measureable goals. They work with friends that they are comfortable with as well as students with whom they are not familiar. Regardless of who they are working with the goal is to come together as a group. They have to figure out how they are going to go about completing the tasks. The activities are purposely set up so that it is impossible for one student alone to complete the tasks in the given amount of time.

Target –
The lesson falls in the target category as students are engaged throughout days 4 and 5 in a student centered environment where all decisions, from tool selection to creation of the final product are chosen and directed by the students. Students access their prior knowledge to build a structure that is structurally sound for a maximum amount of weight. They are then charged with building the structure and testing their product to evaluate formally evaluate their understanding

Approaching –
The lesson not only challenges students to work together to solve authentic problems but also charges them with testing their theories and proving their conclusions. The teacher acts as a facilitator throughout days four and five as students are engaged in the application of effective communication, research, and critical thinking skills to create original structures and evaluate their functionality.

Student Artifact

Download Files


  • Lesson Plan
  • Design Intro Activity #1
  • Design Intro Activity #2
  • Measuring Contest Guidelines

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