Soda Bottle Rocket Reflection

Submitted by: Marivic Mitchell
Collaborators: William Berry (ITRT)
School: Moody Middle School


Before this lesson, the students built model rockets out of two liter soda bottles to demonstrate their understanding of Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. During this culminating activity, the students use ActivEngage and GoogleDocs to reflect on what they learned about Newton’s Three Laws of Motion, rocket construction, and the scientific method. The students share these reflections with their classmates using a GoogleDoc spreadsheet. Based on the responses of their peers, the students locate classmates who experienced similar problems with the project as well as students that experienced success. Each student creates questions for his/her peers that will be used in one on one or group discussions. These discussions will help each student improve his/her understanding of the content topic and also help each student develop as a student and life-long learner.

 Editor’s note – Although this particular lesson is written for a science class, it could be easily adapted as a culminating activity for a lesson/project in a variety of content areas.

 There are a variety of digital tools that could be used for this assignment, but a GoogleDoc spreadsheet is used in this lesson for several particular reasons:

  1. Google Docs is an effective and time-saving method for collecting and displaying student reflections – The collection and analysis of student reflections could occur outside of school hours using this tool.
  2. Google Docs displays student reflections based on categories or questions, which allows the students to read/skim the answers to individual questions before moving on to the next question or topic.
  3. GoogleDocs provides a lasting “resource” that students and teachers can reference in future lessons and activities. 

TIPC Ratings

The TIPC scores for this lesson will change dramatically depending on the content and context in which this lesson is used. The scores given to this lesson relate to the particular science lesson for which it was created. Although this particular lesson currently includes several strands of the TIPC that are “not observed,” this activity could be added onto an existing lesson or project to help it reach approaching or ideal in these same categories. The purpose of this activity is to have students reflect on their practice and their learning. This skill is not only referenced frequently in the higher ends of the TIPC, but is also a skill that students will need as to practice throughout the rest of their lives.

0 – Not Observed
Research and Information fluency are not a focus of this particular lesson.

4 – Approaching
In this lesson, the students use ActivEngage and GoogleDocs to facilitate collaboration. Using the information gathered with these tools, the students help each other further their understanding of the content, and develop necessary skills for students and life-long learners.

6 – Ideal/Target
In this lesson, students use ActivEngage responses and a GoogleSpread sheet to generate purposeful questions that will further their understanding of the content. In the discussions that occur around these questions, students will be required to justify their decision making and reflect on their roles as critical thinkers and problem solvers.

0 – Not Observed
Creativity and Innovation are not a focus of this particular lesson

Student Artifact

Sample Student Reflections

Download Files

H21 – Soda Bottle Rocket Reflection – Mitchell

  • H21 Lesson Plan – Soda Bottle Rocket Reflection
  • Soda Bottle Rocket Reflection PowerPoint (with ActivEngage questions)
  • Sample Student Work – ActivEngage Responses
  • Sample Student Work – GoogleDoc Spreadsheet Responses

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