Can You Hear Me Now? Six Word Memoirs

Submitted by: JaNee Jones & Sarah Billups
School: Varina High School


The objective of the “Can you hear me now?” unit is to provide students with the tools to effectively and powerfully express themselves. This creative and informational unit will develop student centered learning as the students discover and explore a variety of nonfiction texts and produce unique works within the nonfiction genre. Through the unit, students will continue practicing the fundamentals of English, reinforcing SOL and SAT test taking strategies, and collaborating for a common goal. From 6 word memoirs, impromptu debates and persuasive letters, this lesson does it all with the student as the creator after understanding the concepts. As a goal of nonfiction is to entertain while informing, there is nothing more powerful than providing students with tools to share their voice at such a pivotal age. This specific part of the unit focuses on using strict parameters to construct memoirs: personal experience nonfiction narratives. Through limitations of the 6 word memoir format, students get inspired, create, and digitally share a literary “snap shot” into their lives. Students enjoy the “Twitter” like aspects of the lesson along with the creation of a class culture through just 6 words.

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Approaching – The teacher models search techniques and provides quality resources & determining the authority of sources. This occurs through the students locating and analyzing the published 6 word memoirs through the use of the graphic organizer. The teacher is the facilitator and encourager for students to achieve their personal goals.

Approaching – Students are provided with the communication tools through the School Space Discussion Board. Students are encouraged to communicate purposefully through responses, editing, and reflection without direct supervision within and beyond the classroom. Communication occurs as necessary while working towards developing their unique, personal statement. Reflection occurs as students communicate with each other through the discussion board and have the ability to view their peers with a new outlook.

Approaching – Students critically think about an authentic task and research question: Who am I? Such a question is one that all ages of students can identify with as many of them ask themselves these questions daily. Students were challenged to consider “How do you limit your life or one major event to a 6 word statement?” and “Why they chose their motivating event?”. By providing the students with a purposeful assignment and the ability to take risks, students are able to think critically and solve this ongoing “not a problem but possibility.” By first looking at examples of 6 word memoirs students are able to first analyze how others answered the question before looking at themselves. They examined the anonymously posted memoirs and imagined what the story behind the memoir may be. Through this process they were able to more easily examine their own lives in determining what their motivating event should be.

Ideal/Target – Students have the opportunity to be inspired, communicate, reflect and critically think about the authentic task of finding their “essence” in 6 words. The limitations lead to creativity and innovative responses to a unique and purposeful problem. Students are able to create meaningful work through exploration of their personal identities. Their new ideas are self-created images, words, and thoughts that they developed through research, introspection, and reflection. No one will ever have a 6 word memoir exactly like that student’s nor will that student be in the same place at a different time. They are truly authentic moments,memoirs.

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