Bienvenue a JR Tucker!

Submitted by: Marian Abbott
School: J.R. Tucker High School


J.R. Tucker students communicated with French students by writing letters and creating a video of their school. Students worked in collaborative teams to write a script, film, perform, direct, and edit the video. They had to communicate using the correct French articulation, pronunciation, and conjugation of verbs in an everyday conversation.

TIPC Ratings

DEVELOPING – Students researched online using French newspapers to ask students about current events. While reading the French articles, they were also improving their understanding of the French language and vocabulary. For the video project, students had to select a video editing program and learn how to use it. Rather than practicing rote memorization of verbs, students had to use everyday French language to communicate information about themselves, their school, and real world situations.

IDEAL/TARGET – Students communicated beyond the classroom and globally by writing letters to French students and by creating a video of their school. Students worked in collaborative teams to design and write a script, perform in the video, direct the video, and edit the footage. They had to communicate using the correct French articulation, pronunciation, and conjugation of verbs. Students self reflected on the video project and the teams evaluated each others’ edited video.

APPROACHING – Students used higher-level thinking skills to read the French newspapers online and to read and edit the French students’ letters. For the video project, students had to decide what information they would share with the French students. They chose the locations to videotape and wrote the scripts in French. At the end, they reflected on the process of creating the video. Students often have a difficult time speaking a second language in public and using the correct pronunciation and conjugation of verbs in an everyday conversation. This project encouraged the development of these skills and improved student confidence in speaking French.

APPROACHING – The video was an original work, completely created by students for students. They creatively wrote the scripts and edited the video. The video offered a novel solution for students to speak a second language aloud, build confidence, and grow global friendships.

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