wk of 9/16

Another great week of school!  This week we explored our Earth and how it changes because of plate tectonics.  We continued mastering word problems and integers, and wrote stories related to our own lives.  We ended the week with an awesome experiment about soil erosion.

What did we work on this week?


We discovered that the Earth’s interior is made up of an inner core, an outer core, and a mantle that the crust sits on.  Using this knowledge, we explored the theory of plate tectonics and the results of plate movement.


5th Grade: This week we expanded our work with word problems to include multi-step problems.

6th Grade: This week we continued our exploration of integers and absolute value.


This week we examined things that we should notice and things we should note when we are reading.

News and Important Events:

  1. I am excited to connect with you next week for our back to school meeting.  Click here is you have not yet signed up.
  2. Important information from Ms. Bushey, our School Counselor:I know we just started the 5th grade year, but it is already time to begin thinking about middle school! Your child has an opportunity to apply to attend the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program at Moody Middle School.  According to the program’s website, the IB Program, “includes a comprehensive curriculum for students who are highly motivated and who have demonstrated the ability to achieve academically. In addition to a well-rounded selection of courses, students focus on developing a wide variety of skills to help them think critically, organize carefully, communicate appropriately and reflect purposefully.” All of our 5th grade students are welcome to apply to this specialty program for advanced learners.The Open House for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Program is at Moody Middle School on October 17, 2019.  Here is a flyer: 2019 Moody Open House Flyer. I encourage all parents and students who are interested in this program to attend the Open House with their child.Applications will be available beginning September 18 and are due to me by November 15, 2019. If your child would like to apply for this program, please let me know.  For more information, check out an informational video: IB Progam at Moody Video.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call me here at school at 261-5060 or Debbie Cain, the IB Program Assistant, at 261-6440. You can also email me at blbushey@henrico.k12.va.us
  3. From the 5th Grade Team: This year our fifth graders have the unique opportunity to join PAW Power Up for extra instructional support and reflection!  When students have run out of time to complete an assignment and/or are struggling to master a skill, they may attend the PAW Power Up block during recess. During this block, students will be able to ask questions and receive academic support from a fifth grade teacher. If needed, students will also use this time to reflect on a PAW value and complete a reflection activity with the teacher.  This is a wonderful coaching opportunity to ensure your child has a successful fifth grade year!  PAW Power Up is offered daily. Please contact your child’s teacher if you do not want your child to participate in PAW Power Up.

Journalists’ Corner:

Our journalists were trained this week in photography, so be on the lookout next week for some awesome photos!

“I can’t believe it’s already the 3rd week of school! Also, a fun thing we do is free time!”

Have a wonderful weekend!