November 7, 2021

It was so nice to meet with most of you last week. I am so lucky to have such supportive families!

We have just 11 1/2 school days until Thanksgiving Break. Then when we return from break, we have just 15 school days until Winter Break. We have SO much to do before 2022.

Please remember that November 19th is a half day of school for the kids.

November 10th is PAJAMA DAY!!!!

This week is our canned goods collection week. The houses are competing to see which house collects the most cans. I’ll be cleaning out my pantry today to find some donations.

Please remember to sign your child’s agenda each night. The kids and I have discussed how this is their responsibility. Your child should share the agenda with you each night. I think everyone is on the same page now with Lexia and Dreambox. If the kids do not do it in school, they do need to work on it at home. Everyone should be trying to make their goal each week.

Word Study: The kids received a new list of words last Monday. The test will be on November 18th. THIS IS A THURSDAY.

Reading: This week, we will continue to read the book, CRENSHAW. The focus will continue to be on comparing and contrasting characters, identifying character traits, and identifying the conflict and resolution. These are skills that we are also working on in small groups.

Writing: We will continue to practice using commas correctly and using adjectives in our writing. This week, we will practice using synonyms and antonyms.

Math: This is a big week in math. We will spend a lot of time focusing on subtracting across zeros. Example: 5,001 – 3,989

We have a saying that we use in class to help us remember when we need to borrow. IF THERE’S MORE ON THE FLOOR, GO NEXT DOOR.

Subtracting with zeros is a tricky skill for third graders. Please check over the math homework this week to make sure your child is subtracting correctly. Usually, I assign word study homework on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but this week you will see ALL MATH. It’s important.

Social Studies: We will add notes on Africa to the social studies notebooks on Monday. This will cover the last of the 5 continents that the kids need to know. Everyone needs to know the location of the land and water features for North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The kids will glue a study guide into the notebooks on Tuesday. The final test on this unit will be on Tuesday, November 16th. I will start sending home the social studies notebooks each day beginning on Monday. Please make sure the notebooks COME BACK to school each morning. We will need them for all of the activities that the kids will work on this week.

This covers the highlights for the week. Looking forward to another great week at the Lake!



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