Henrico Schools Style and Branding Guides
Division of Communications Digital & Print Production Request Form
- Please submit all requests two weeks prior to expected completion date.
- Rush requests needed within two weeks must be approved by the Assistant Director of Communications.
- Please complete this form for each work request. Please direct any questions to LaMont Sledge at lesledge@henrico.k12.va.us
Changing Your Password Just Got Easier!
As of November 1, 2022, changing your HCPS password is now much easier using Microsoft’s Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR). SSPR’s new functionality lets you reset, unlock, or change your password without contacting your TST or Technology Help Desk.
How do you get started with SSPR? Watch this video and then register for SSPR. Now you are ready to manage your HCPS password.
Remember, you can access SSPR to manage your password and access self-help password resources on the employee information page here.
Protocol for Special Events
The following guidelines and checklist should enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of those who plan special events, programs, introductions and other activities involving members of the Henrico County School Board, Board of Supervisors and other dignitaries.
Official Henrico County Public Schools Logos
If you ever need a current “official” Henrico County Public Schools logo, we now have several options available here:
Please use those current logo files, which are registered with and protected by the State Corporation Commission, to update any old logos that exist on your future documents, flyers or other materials.
You can also access those files by pointing your mouse to the “Resources” drop-down menu and clicking on “district logos”.
Yay of the Day
Help us recognize Henrico County Public Schools employees! Maybe it was a bus driver or a teacher, a school nurse, custodian or librarian. Has an HCPS staff member made your day? Give them a “Yay!” Each recipient will be recognized by Amy Cashwell, HCPS superintendent, and featured on our social media platforms.
“This is a small way to shine a light on the good work our employees do each day,” said Cashwell. “We have more than 7,000 talented employees who work together to serve and support our students. No matter how busy the school year is, we must make time to celebrate the many ways they are making a difference for young people.”
“Helping Hand” Volunteer of the Month Nomination Form
If you’ve ever wanted to recognize a volunteer in your school, this online nomination form makes it easy to have that person considered as the Helping Hand Volunteer of the Month! Once nominated, volunteers are considered throughout the school year (October through May). One winner is recognized at the monthly school board meeting. The monthly honoree receives a small token of appreciation.
Click this link to complete the Helping Hand Volunteer of the Month form.
Nominees are evaluated based on the following criteria:
• Demonstrates the implementation of a volunteer program
• Demonstrates outstanding performance in volunteer duties
• Demonstrates a high level of willingness to help staff, volunteers and students
• Demonstrates a high level of commitment to the volunteer program
• Demonstrates and maintains good relationships with staff, volunteers and students
Only HCPS employees may submit nominations. Nominees may not be employed by HCPS or Henrico County.
Get Positive Attention for Your School!
The Communications and Public Relations Department is looking to cover stories that touch on one of the five school-based areas of focus. When your school is doing something (anything!) related to one of these five areas, let us know!
- Accreditation and/or academic growth
- K-12 literacy
- Cultural competency and equity
- Parent/family engagement
- Closing behavioral gaps
It could be something for us to get video or photographs, something for us to promote on social media, or something to share with the news media. Email hcpstv@henrico.k12.va.us to reach several people at once.
Employee Assistance Program
What is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? It’s a no-cost employee program to help you meet life’s challenges. Anthem EAP is pleased to announce a new way to access EAP counseling. Employees and their dependent household members who call to schedule an EAP counseling appointment will be given the option of meeting a counselor in person or by having a virtual session.
CONTACT US 24/7. The Anthem EAP is here to make sure you and your household members have the support you need for emotional well-being.
Call Anthem to schedule a confidential appointment with one of their licensed clinical professionals. Contact us at 1-855-873-4932.
Visit the EAP website at anthemEAP.com (enter Henrico to log in) for additional topics and information.