Art- Kindergarten

Grades K-5 art will include the following media experiences: drawing (including observational drawing), printmaking, painting, sculpture, ceramics, crafts, and mixed media

All grades are expected to use oral and written language and art related vocabulary when discussing artworks and artmaking processes.

Pacing Guide

How to use this site: On this site you will find links to our pacing guides for all grade levels, along with course descriptions and correlating Standards of Learning for each.

Click HCPS Art  to access your specialist’s resources.


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Communication/ Production

  • Identify the following colors by name:  red, yellow, blue, green, orange, violet (purple), brown, black, white (K.7.1) Two Weeks/ ongoing
  • Identify line and line characteristics: straight/curved, long/short, vertical/ horizontal/diagonal (K.7.3) One Week/ ongoing
  • Identify size as being large/small, big/little. One Week
  • Identify the following shapes: circle, square,triangle, rectangle, oval (K.7) 2 Weeks/ ongoing
  • Identify directions (up, down, top, bottom,side, over, under, front, back) (K.9) One Week/ Ongoing
  • Brainstorm a variety of solutions to a single art problem (K.1) One Week/ Ongoing
  • Correctly use and care for  art materials and tools:pencil, crayons, chalk, paint, variety of brushes, scissors, glue. One Week/ ongoing
  • Create works of art that represent personal solutions to art problems. (K.1) One Week/ ongoing
  • Create a drawing from observation (K.10) Two Weeks/ ongoing


Art History/Cultural Context

  • Identify artists as people who make art.(K.12) One Week/ ongoing
  • Identify painters as artists (K.12) One Week/ ongoing
  • Define orally: paint, painter, painting, and drawing. One Week/ ongoing
  • Name a variety of reasons people create art (K.13) One Week/ ongoing
  • Describe the difference between a portrait and a self-portrait. One Week/ ongoing

Analysis, Evaluation and Critique

  • Identify lines, shapes and colors in a work of art  (K.7) One Week/ ongoing
  • Describe and respond to  objects seen in a work of art (K.15). One Week/ ongoing
  • Identify the content of a work of art as being. One Week/ ongoing


  • Explain personal reasons why one artwork is preferred over another (K.17). One Week/ ongoing
  • Describe feelings about certain artworks(K.18). One Week/ ongoing
Communication/ Production

  • Manipulate three -dimensional art materials by pinching, pulling, squeezing, twisting, pounding, rolling, modeling and stamping (K.11). One Week/ ongoing
  • Identify objects in the environment that occupy space (K.8)One Week
  • Identify spatial relationships – left, right, top, bottom, side, center, front, back, over, under. (K.9) One Week/ ongoing
  • Identify clay, form, pattern and texture (K.7)One Week/ ongoing

Art History/Cultural Context

  • Discuss the concept that people in all cultures create works of art (K.14) One Week
  • Discuss the correlations between special historical events/holidays and art (K.4) One Week/ Ongoing
  • Describe pottery and sculptures created by other cultures and the purposes for the work (K.14) One Week
  • Identify sculptors and craftsmen as being artists (K.12) One Week

Analysis Evaluation and Critique

  • Describe the similarities and differences between flat artwork (two-dimensional) and artwork that has form and occupies space (three-dimensional) (K.8) One Week/ ongoing
  • Discuss materials an artist uses to make art One Week/ ongoing
  • Sequence of steps for making art (K.3) One Week/ ongoing


  • Select a favorite work of art and explain the reasons why the work was chosen (K.17). One Week/ Ongoing
Communication/ Production

  • Paste/glue two or more flat surfaces together (K.11) One Week/ ongoing
  • Cut, fold, bend and tear paper (K.11) One Week/ ongoing
  • Create a collage (K.5) Two Weeks
  • Identify the following shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval (K.7) One Week/ ongoing
  • Create a work of art that represents a personal solution to art problems (K.1) One Week/ ongoing

Art History/Cultural Context

  • Identify illustrators as artists who create artwork to help tell a story (K.12) Two Weeks
  • Discuss why artwork helps tell a story (K.13)One Week/ ongoing
  • Look at art and predict what would happen next. One Week
  • View and discuss different art techniques that illustrators might use to illustrate a book (e.g.; drawing, painting, collage, printmaking) One Week

Analysis, Evaluation, and Critique

  • Describe the sequence of steps they have used in creating art. One Week/ ongoing
  • View art and describe the similarities and differences among them. One Week/ ongoing


  • Select a favorite artwork and explain why it’s the favorite (K.17). One Week/ ongoing
Communication/ Production

  • Select examples of at least one culture’s artwork to explore in more depth. One Week/ ongoing
  • Discuss why different cultures might want to create art (K.14). One Week/ ongoing
  • Identify a print maker as a type of artist(K.12) One Week

Analysis, Evaluation and Critique

  • Classify objects in the environment that have pattern (K.16) One Week/ ongoing
  • The studeIdentify patterns as repeated lines, shapes, colors or images (K.7) One Week/ ongoing
  • Create a work of art that commemorates a personal or historical event (K.4) One Week/ ongoing
  • Create a work of art that depicts a specific animal or plant (K.5,.10,) Two Weeks/ ongoing
  • Make a print (K.3) Two Weeks

Art History/Cultural Context

  • Discuss the concept that people in all cultures make art (K.14) One Week/ ongoing
  • Classify objects in the environment by their visual qualities (e.g., color, texture, line, shape, pattern) (K.16)One Week/ ongoing
  • Describe and respond to prints and mixed media artworks (K.18) One Week
  • Describe some similarities and differences between natural and man-made objects (K.16) One Week


  • Discuss thoughts, feelings and experiences expressed in artworks created by self, classmates or famous artists (K.18) One Week/ ongoing
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