Communication/ Production
- Identify the following colors by name: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, violet (purple), brown, black, white (K.7.1) Two Weeks/ ongoing
- Identify line and line characteristics: straight/curved, long/short, vertical/ horizontal/diagonal (K.7.3) One Week/ ongoing
- Identify size as being large/small, big/little. One Week
- Identify the following shapes: circle, square,triangle, rectangle, oval (K.7) 2 Weeks/ ongoing
- Identify directions (up, down, top, bottom,side, over, under, front, back) (K.9) One Week/ Ongoing
- Brainstorm a variety of solutions to a single art problem (K.1) One Week/ Ongoing
- Correctly use and care for art materials and tools:pencil, crayons, chalk, paint, variety of brushes, scissors, glue. One Week/ ongoing
- Create works of art that represent personal solutions to art problems. (K.1) One Week/ ongoing
- Create a drawing from observation (K.10) Two Weeks/ ongoing
Art History/Cultural Context
- Identify artists as people who make art.(K.12) One Week/ ongoing
- Identify painters as artists (K.12) One Week/ ongoing
- Define orally: paint, painter, painting, and drawing. One Week/ ongoing
- Name a variety of reasons people create art (K.13) One Week/ ongoing
- Describe the difference between a portrait and a self-portrait. One Week/ ongoing
Analysis, Evaluation and Critique
- Identify lines, shapes and colors in a work of art (K.7) One Week/ ongoing
- Describe and respond to objects seen in a work of art (K.15). One Week/ ongoing
- Identify the content of a work of art as being. One Week/ ongoing
- Explain personal reasons why one artwork is preferred over another (K.17). One Week/ ongoing
- Describe feelings about certain artworks(K.18). One Week/ ongoing
Communication/ Production
- Manipulate three -dimensional art materials by pinching, pulling, squeezing, twisting, pounding, rolling, modeling and stamping (K.11). One Week/ ongoing
- Identify objects in the environment that occupy space (K.8)One Week
- Identify spatial relationships – left, right, top, bottom, side, center, front, back, over, under. (K.9) One Week/ ongoing
- Identify clay, form, pattern and texture (K.7)One Week/ ongoing
Art History/Cultural Context
- Discuss the concept that people in all cultures create works of art (K.14) One Week
- Discuss the correlations between special historical events/holidays and art (K.4) One Week/ Ongoing
- Describe pottery and sculptures created by other cultures and the purposes for the work (K.14) One Week
- Identify sculptors and craftsmen as being artists (K.12) One Week
Analysis Evaluation and Critique
- Describe the similarities and differences between flat artwork (two-dimensional) and artwork that has form and occupies space (three-dimensional) (K.8) One Week/ ongoing
- Discuss materials an artist uses to make art One Week/ ongoing
- Sequence of steps for making art (K.3) One Week/ ongoing
- Select a favorite work of art and explain the reasons why the work was chosen (K.17). One Week/ Ongoing
Communication/ Production
- Paste/glue two or more flat surfaces together (K.11) One Week/ ongoing
- Cut, fold, bend and tear paper (K.11) One Week/ ongoing
- Create a collage (K.5) Two Weeks
- Identify the following shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval (K.7) One Week/ ongoing
- Create a work of art that represents a personal solution to art problems (K.1) One Week/ ongoing
Art History/Cultural Context
- Identify illustrators as artists who create artwork to help tell a story (K.12) Two Weeks
- Discuss why artwork helps tell a story (K.13)One Week/ ongoing
- Look at art and predict what would happen next. One Week
- View and discuss different art techniques that illustrators might use to illustrate a book (e.g.; drawing, painting, collage, printmaking) One Week
Analysis, Evaluation, and Critique
- Describe the sequence of steps they have used in creating art. One Week/ ongoing
- View art and describe the similarities and differences among them. One Week/ ongoing
- Select a favorite artwork and explain why it’s the favorite (K.17). One Week/ ongoing
Communication/ Production
- Select examples of at least one culture’s artwork to explore in more depth. One Week/ ongoing
- Discuss why different cultures might want to create art (K.14). One Week/ ongoing
- Identify a print maker as a type of artist(K.12) One Week
Analysis, Evaluation and Critique
- Classify objects in the environment that have pattern (K.16) One Week/ ongoing
- The studeIdentify patterns as repeated lines, shapes, colors or images (K.7) One Week/ ongoing
- Create a work of art that commemorates a personal or historical event (K.4) One Week/ ongoing
- Create a work of art that depicts a specific animal or plant (K.5,.10,) Two Weeks/ ongoing
- Make a print (K.3) Two Weeks
Art History/Cultural Context
- Discuss the concept that people in all cultures make art (K.14) One Week/ ongoing
- Classify objects in the environment by their visual qualities (e.g., color, texture, line, shape, pattern) (K.16)One Week/ ongoing
- Describe and respond to prints and mixed media artworks (K.18) One Week
- Describe some similarities and differences between natural and man-made objects (K.16) One Week
- Discuss thoughts, feelings and experiences expressed in artworks created by self, classmates or famous artists (K.18) One Week/ ongoing