Art- Grade 3

Grades K-5 art will include the following media experiences: drawing (including observational drawing), printmaking, painting, sculpture, ceramics, crafts, and mixed media

All grades are expected to use oral and written language and art related vocabulary when discussing artworks and art making processes

Pacing Guides

On this site you will find links to our pacing guides for all grade levels, along with course descriptions and correlating Standards of Learning for each.

Click HCPS Art  to access your specialist’s resources.


MP 1 MP 2 MP 3 MP 4
Communication/ Production

  • Identify and use warm and cool color combinations (3.7.1) Two Weeks/ ongoing
  • Mix primary a primary and secondary color to create an intermediate color (3.7.1) One Week/ ongoing
  • Identify neutral colors within the environment and in works of art. One Week/ ongoing
  • Use specific techniques to demonstrate craftsmanship in the creation of a work of art (3.3) One Week/ ongoing
  • Create movement through line and repetition
  • Create a work of art that communicates ideas, themes and feelings (3.6)

Art History/Cultural Context

  • Identify common attributes of works of art created by artists within a culture (3.14) One Week/ ongoing
  • Describe  how history, culture, and the visual arts influence each other (3.13) One Week/ ongoing
  • Students will understand and demonstrate proper behaviors in gallery, museum and public spaces. One Week

Analysis, Evaluation and Critique

  • The student will analyze personal works of art using elements of art and principles of design (3.19) One Week/ ongoing


  • Determine reasons why art has value (3.22) One Week/ ongoing
Communication/ Production

  • Use positive and negative space within a work of art (3.7.2) One Week/ ongoing
  • Apply the concepts of symmetry, asymmetry, and radial symmetry to art (3.7.3) Two Weeks/ ongoing
  • The student will identify innovative solutions used by artists to solve art- making problems (3.1) One Week/ ongoing
  • The student will describe and use steps of the art making process, including brain storming, preliminary sketching, and planning, to create works of art (3.2) Two Weeks/ ongoing

Art History/Cultural Context

  • Compare and contrast architectural styles of other cultures (3.16) One Week/ ongoing
  • Identify common characteristics of various art careers (3.17) One Week/ ongoing

Analysis Evaluation and Critique

  • Analyze and interpret works of art by subject matter including portrait, landscape, still life, and narrative (3.18). One Week/ ongoing


  • Describe the difference between an art and non-art object (3.21) One Week/ ongoing
Communication/ Production

  • Create a functional object that demonstrates high craftsmanship (3.3) One Week/ ongoing
  • The student will develop ideas inspired by a variety of sources, including print, non-print, and contemporary media, for incorporation into works of art (3.5) Two Weeks/ ongoing
  • Create a three-dimensional work of art using the coil building and additive/subtractive  processes (3.10) Two Weeks/ ongoing
  • Identify and use organic and geometric shapes in observational drawings  (3.8) Two Weeks/ ongoing
  • Demonstrate contrast in drawings(3.7.4) One Week/ ongoing
  • Art History/Cultural Context
  • Identify and examine objects of art and craft from different cultures, times and places (3.11) One Week/ ongoing
  • Examine the relationship between form and function in the artifacts of a culture (3.15) One Week/ ongoing
  • Analysis, Evaluation, and Critique
  • The student will express informed judgments about works of art (3.20) One Week/ ongoing
  • Aesthetics
  • Develop and describe personal reasons for valuing works of art (3.23)One Week/ ongoing
Communication/ Production

  • Apply pattern motif within an artwork (3.7.5) Two Weeks/ ongoing
  • Create the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface using overlapping, size variation, and placement on the picture plane (3.7)Two Weeks/ ongoing
  • Define proportion as depicting objects in their correct relative sizes. One Week/ ongoing
  • Create a series of prints using an original printing plate. One Week
  • Identify and use foreground, middle ground, and background in two- dimensional works of art. (3.9) One Week/ ongoing

Art History/Cultural Context

  • Identify the distinguishing characteristics of a landscape, cityscape, and seascape. (3.12) One Week

Analysis, Evaluation and Critique

  • Discuss why works of art have been interpreted and valued by different cultures throughout history. One Week/ ongoing


  • Examine, discuss, and defend different viewpoints of what makes an object art. One Week/ ongoing
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