November 2 – 6, 2020

Please note next week is a short week as Tuesday is Election Day, and Wednesday is now a student holiday as staff prepares the school building for students’ upcoming return. Your child will have assignments to work on for me on Wednesday during the school day. We will walk through directions together on Monday, and I will have all the materials already posted. Your child is welcome to tackle these tasks as they wish over Tuesday and Wednesday. Students can also use PortaPortal to practice and reinforce concepts we are working on or work on Lexia or Dreambox to tackle their weekly goals.

From Mrs. Lucas:  Students need 1 piece of paper and a pack of colored markers (R, G, B, Y, O, P, Black) for PE next Tuesday.

From Mrs. Siler:  Students need a wrapped piece of candy or granola bar to sketch on Friday.

Important Dates:

11/2   Parent Teacher Conferences by appointment

11/3   School Closed for Election Day

11/4   Student Asynchronous Learning Day (complete assignments in Schoology, no logging into Teams)

11/6   PE assignments due for Mrs. Lucas

11/11  Decimal Computation Test

11/12  Student Asynchronous Learning Day (complete assignments in Schoology, no logging into Teams)

11/13  School Closed for Diwali/end of Quarter 1

11/17  Physical Landforms quiz

11/25-27:  School Closed for Thanksgiving Break


We will continue to practice al forms of decimal computation in the week.  There will be a test on decimal computation on Wednesday, November 11th.  Your student has notes and practice in their notebooks and in the Student Resources folder.  Please be sure that your student is completing their homework with their notes.  They can also practice on the portaportal and the math page of this blog.  Next we will work with multiplication and addition properties.


We will finish up our Favorite Holiday writing this week.  The students have been working on the rough drafts and working with feedback to make improvements.  The students are also finishing their Because of Mr. Terupt projects.  We will continue reading Running Out of Time.  Our focus skills are finding the main idea and summarizing.  Both skills require the students to find important details that support.  We will do several activities with our novel study to enhance these skills.  The book reports look great!  I am excited to dive in and read their question responses and really look at the projects!


I am so proud of the students’ weather test scores! I can tell they really used the materials in Student Resources to study. Get ready for one of the best units in science – Oceans!  We kicked off the unit by talking about the ocean floor and we were amazed at how it looks just like the land across the US with mountains, valleys, and plains. We will review this next week and start discussing ocean movement (waves, currents, and tides). Our oceans unit is really fun, but there is a lot of content. It will carry over into the second quarter. Please encourage your child to review notes in the Student Resources–Science folder and the portaportal for fun videos and games as we work through this unit.


We will spend some more time practicing longitude and latitude and how to find specific coordinates on a given map.  The students will also create a picture dictionary for specific physical landforms.  There will be a quiz on these landforms on Tuesday, November 17th.