February 24 – 28, 2020

The 5th Grade Chorus performance, “Gotta Be Jazz,” is Tuesday, February 25th. Mr. Mills has supplied the music for students to practice at home: Gotta Be Jazz. Here are all the details for performance night: Gotta Be Jazz Info Letter.  This evening will also include the PTA fundraiser as noted on the flyer that went home earlier this week.

Wednesday, February 26th is Picture Day.  Students received order forms last week. Class photos will also be taken.

We will continue working with coordinate plane skills in stations this week.  We will begin our exploration of geometry with measuring angles and identifying types of triangles.   Weekly Math (blue logic puzzle) is due on Wednesday, February 25th.


The Phantom Tollbooth is a big hit!  The students are enjoying the humor, the word play, and the characters!  So much fun!  Book reports are due on Tuesday, February 25th.  Students should be prepared to present their projects for their classmates on Tuesday.  We are focusing on author’s purpose, cause and effect, and point of view this week.  The students will write another essay to practice revising skills.


The students will review what they have learned thus far in the matter unit through stations, hands-on compounds, and partner work.  The test for this unit is Thursday, February 27th.  Your student has lots of notes in their notebook and a study guide in their purple folder to help prepare for this test.  The science page of this blog and the portaportal are also great resources.

The test for the Northeast Region will be given on Tuesday, February 25th.  Your student should be working on a study guide using the many notes they have in their notebooks.  There will be several Southeast Regions questions in a section we call, “Flash from the Past!”  The students are working on their license plates this week.


2/25 – Northeast Region Test

2/25 – Fantasy Book Report due

2/25 – Fifth Grade Performance (Students arrive by 6:15 and meet in the music room.)

2/25 – Jump Rope for Heart

2/26 – Spring Pictures (Payment and order form for the CLASS picture only are due today.)

2/27 – Matter Unit Test

3/3 – Student Holiday