Talking to Kids about Covid-19

Are your children grumpier than usual, reluctant to engage in activities they usually enjoy, or seeming to withdraw to be alone for longer periods of the day? Yes, they may be experiencing what we all are with being stuck at home and missing our friends – but they also may be experiencing some anxiety about what is going on in the world around them.

While exposing children to TOO much Covid-19 information (e.g. watching the news all day) will undoubtedly overload them with anxiety, keeping open communication with them about some of the basic factual aspects of Coronavirus will help them keep perspective and manage their anxious thoughts. Encourage them to ask you questions and explain that sometimes your answer might be, “I don’t know.” Model and point out things you are doing to help yourself be less anxious, such as exercising, listening to music, or taking deep breaths.

Here are some great links with video clips about how to talk to your kids about Coronavirus and also some local resources specific to this time:

Coronavirus Resources in RVA, ChildSavers

Talking to Children about Covid-19: A Parent Resource, National Association of School Psychologists

Don’t forget, if your child would like to speak with me over Zoom or Google Hangout, just email me at and we will set up a meeting time! Hang in there; we will get through this together.

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