Glance at a Golden week


Happy Friday!

I hope everyone enjoyed the extra days of rest we received from all that weekend snow! Since we missed most of the week, we will be continuing with the same material that was originally planned for this week.

In case you missed yesterday’s email, homework and word study work from this week went home today. It is not due back until Monday, January 23rd. A new word study homework activity sheet is in your students homework folder. I have also put a copy of the new word study activity sheet on Google Drive. Please follow the new activity sheet for word study homework.

Be on the look out for the blue conference form sign up sheet for our February 2nd conferences that went home in folders yesterday. If you are interested in meeting with me about your child’s progress send in your form with 3 times you would like to meet. Time’s slots fill up fast, so send your form back as soon as possible.

Remember that this Monday is a student holiday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. day. I hope that you all enjoy your long weekend! I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!

heart apple


Mrs. Golden

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