week of 10/28

Dear families,
The students have enjoyed another full week of learning experiences. They worked in groups to collaborate and design their own ecosystems posters. On Wednesday we celebrated Unity Day with orange clothing. During recess we made a giant heart for Mrs. Bushey to photograph!
Next week will be another busy, exciting one! On Monday we will have our second STEAM experience. We will be searching for pirate treasure as we use science, technology, engineering, language, and math to solve the clues. Students are encouraged to wear pirate themed outfits (no weapons please!). On Tuesday we will be working on our student led conference portfolios and decorating our door for Book or Treat at 6 pm. Students may have crazy hair, hat, or wear your hood in school on Tuesday.
Please come for Book or Treat from 6-8 pm. Students may wear their costumes to class and go door to door in the building to get candy and a free book. Papa John’s pizza is still available for pre-order using the link provided in last week’s post. Please support our educational programs by ordering a pizza! Wednesday is crazy sock day. All students will enjoy the big blast inflatable party from 11-11:30. Thursday day is pawsitive pumpkin day, and Friday is pajama day.
During all these special activities we still plan to engage in learning! In reading we will continue our fiction unit reading the novel Crenshaw. We will continue to investigate character traits, setting, and learn about conflict and resolution. In writing we will learn about r controlled vowels, commas in a series, and possessive nouns. In math we will begin a unit on patterns. In third grade students need to be able to identify the core of a picture pattern or the rule for a number pattern. They will need to extend patterns and use tables to complete them. In social studies we will continue our unit on geographical features of continents.
Fall conferences are November 4. Please sign up for a conference here. This year the conferences will be led by the student. Students are strongly encouraged to attend to share their goal setting documents with you!
Upcoming Events:
Monday, October 28-STEAM/Dress like a pirate!/10:55 am dismissal
Tuesday, October 29-Crazy Hair/Hat/Hoodie Day; Book or Treat 6-8 pm
Wednesday, October 30-Big Blast Celebration 11-11:30 am/crazy sock day
Thursday, October 31-Halloween/Pumpkin Day
Friday, November 1-Pajama Day
Monday, November 4-Conferences 3-8 pm
Tuesday, November 5-No School/Election Day
Have a great weekend!

week of 10/21

Dear families,
We have had another exciting week of learning in third grade! The students have mastered food chains in science and had many meaningful experiences with reading nonfiction text. We enjoyed our assembly with the Richmond Ballet of their version of Swan Lake. The witch hat recipe was a success! Thank you Ms. Brooks and Ms. Conklin for your donations of supplies!

Next week in reading we are moving to fictional text. We will be reading the novel Crenshaw to learn about character analysis and narrative elements. In writing we will learn about plural nouns and write to describe an animal from a self selected ecosystem. In math we will continue our unit on estimation and computation. In science we will continue to research an ecosystems and then investigate geographical features of the continents on Earth. We will be using google Earth. If you have never looked at our planet from this program it’s worth checking out!
October 24 is the final day to order a Papa John’s pizza for Book or Treat. Order here: www.pjcheese.com/mtes
Sign up for Breakfast with the Principal October 25.
Upcoming Events

Take a stand against bullying!
Tuesday, October 22 is Mix It Up Day-students sit with a friend from a different classroom at lunch.
Wednesday, October 23 is Unity Day, Wear Orange!
Halloween Week: lots of special events!!
Monday, October 28-STEAM Day/10:55 dismissal for students
Tuesday, October 29-Book or Treat- 6-8 pm. Students may wear their costumes to school. Please preorder Papa John’s Pizza by 10/23. This fundraiser supports our school!
Wednesday, October 30-Big Blast Celebration
Monday, November 4-3-8 pm Parent Teacher conferences-more information to come! Please note that this date is a change!
Have a great weekend!

week of 10/14

Dear families,
We have had another great week of learning in third grade! The students have demonstrated that they understand how nonfiction text features help them gain new information in text. We have applied our rounding skills to estimate sums and differences. The students are excited to watch our decomposition experiment in action. Ask them what we are rotting in class!
Next week in Reading we will be finishing our nonfiction unit. On Wednesday the students have an assessment to demonstrate their understanding of our three week unit on nonfiction text. They will take this assessment on Schoology and I will grade it using a rubric provided by the county. On Thursday we will read a recipe and answer comprehension questions about it, then make the treat following the recipe steps. If you are willing to donate to our classroom I have attached a sign up here. Friday, October 18 the students will take the county reading assessment the first four and a half weeks of third grade. Please look for your child’s reading notebook to be brought home every night next week to help them prepare for these assessments.
In math we will be focusing on adding and subtracting in word problems. In third grade students are expected to solve one and two step word problems using numbers through the thousands place. This is a huge jump from second grade and it is so important that children know their basic facts for addition and subtraction. Please use Moby Max at home to help your child learn fact fluency and practice skill that have been taught previously to keep their skills sharp.
In science, we will be learning about how animals interact within ecosystems. The students will be completing a project in class where they research and collaborate with others to make a google slides presentation or a flip grid video.
Upcoming Events:
Monday, October 14-Columbus Day Holiday
Wednesday, October 16-Reading test
Thursday, October 17-Witch Hat Recipe activity-permission slip to come home Tuesday
Friday, October 18-4.5 weeks county assessment in reading
Monday, October 28-1/2 Day/STEAM Day
Tuesday October 29-Book or Treat 6- 8 pm/Papa John’s fundraiser
Wednesday, October 30-Big Blast Celebration
Have a wonderful weekend!

Week of 10/7

Dear families,
What a successful STEAM Day on Monday! The students collaborated, communicated and worked to create their own animal that had adaptations to survive in an environment that they chose.

Next week in reading we will continue to focus on reading nonfiction text. We will be making connections, using text features, and determining author’s purpose. In writing we will identify complete and incomplete sentences using students’ own writing. In math we are rounding numbers and using this skill to estimate and problem solve. The students have a math test on Friday, 10/11. It is cumulative and will cover graphing, place value, comparing four digit numbers, and estimation. In science we will learn how animals get their food and food chains.

In third grade the students do not go through the breakfast line. Their breakfast is pre-ordered every week (usually on Thursday) for the following week. A breakfast bucket is delivered to the class every morning and the students eat in the classroom. If your child eats breakfast at school I will take their order and send it to the cafeteria. There has been some confusion this year about third grade breakfast procedures. Please talk with your child about your breakfast plans and let me know if there are problems. We do not want students charged for food they do not eat or food wasted because a child ate home but placed a breakfast order. Also be assured that if your child needs breakfast and did not place an order the previous week I will make sure that they get one from the cafeteria. Our intention is to streamline the process in the morning and maximize learning time. Thank you for your support as we get used to this new routine!

Gifted referrals:
Parent referrals for gifted identification will be accepted beginning October 7 to October 25, 2019. As you consider your decision to refer your child, please be sure to speak with his/her teacher to discuss any gifted qualities being observed in the classroom on a consistent basis. Referrals should be submitted in writing (email is acceptable) to Jennifer Rhoden at jmrhoden1@henrico.k12.va.us during these designated dates. No referrals will be accepted after October 25. Subject line of email should state Gifted Referral, and the email should include student’s first and last name, grade level, teacher, and area of referral (English, Math or Both areas). An email confirmation will be sent within 48 hours. If you do not receive an email confirmation, please call the school.

Upcoming Events:
Thursday, October 10-Trevvett International Night 6 pm
Friday, October 11-Math test
Monday, October 14-Columbus Day/Student Holiday
Tuesday, October 29-Book or Treat 6-8 pm
Have a wonderful weekend!

Week of 9/30

Dear families,
It is hard to believe that the first month of school is over! The students are settling into the new routines and higher expectations of third grade. Please make sure that your monitor their homework at home. Packets are sent home on the first day of the school week and need to be turned into me on Friday. Attached to this blog you will also find a link to homework from the beginning of the school year.
Monday is our first STEAM day! The students will be working in groups to investigate different environments and design an animal that has adaptations to its environment. A fun website to explore this idea is Wild Kratts. Students will work on their project until 10 am. Lunch is served at 10:15 and dismissal begins at 10:55 for daycare students. I look forward to seeing family on Monday as we develop our Henrico Learner Profile!
Next week in reading we will continue to read nonfiction text focusing on making connections, text features, and using context clues. In writing we will use our program Being a Writer to edit and revise for more interesting word choice. In Math we will round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000. This concept is challenging to students: a good site for practice is ixl.com. In science we will continue on unit on living systems and learn about food chains and webs. Students will take their reading MAPS test on Tuesday.
Upcoming events:
Monday, September 30-STEAM Day/10:55 dismissal
Tuesday, October 1-Reading MAPS
Monday, October 14-Columbus Day/Student holiday
Have a wonderful weekend!

Week of 9/23-9/27

Dear families,
It has been a great week in third grade! I am so proud of the students for their outstanding performance on their citizenship test today! They have been working cooperatively and exploring lots of new learning programs as we become more familiar with the Henrico County Learning Profile.

Next week in third grade we will be learning about nonfiction text in reading. The students will identify text features and make, confirm, and revise predictions in nonfiction text. In writing we will complete a paragraph that describes fall. In math we will continue to learn about place value through the hundred thousands place, and practice comparing and ordering four digit numbers. In science we will learn about animal behavior including adaptations, learned behavior, and instincts.
Thank you to all the families that have signed up for our digital Back to School Night! If you haven’t already, please take a few moments to read through the slides and sign up for a fifteen minute slot on the last slide. If you sign up for a time after 3:30 pm I will need to speak with you on the phone. Any time before 3:30 pm is great for a face to face meeting! I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Your child’s daily folder is an important resource for you to stay connected with what is happening at school. Today their is their PAW check, information about upcoming MAPS testing, PTO membership information, and a feedback form about our digital Back to School Night. Please sign and return these forms on Monday!

Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, September 24-Math MAPS testing
September 30-1/2 day dismissal for students/STEAM Day

week of 9/16

We have had another fantastic week in third grade. It was wonderful to see all of the grandparents on Monday! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to visit with your grandchild at Trevvett!
Today the students have their first PAW check in their daily folders, as well as some graded assignments. Please take a moment over the weekend to look through your child’s folder. Keep their graded work at home and sign and return their blue PAW check from last week. Mrs. Duffy and I had so much fun writing all of the “paw”sitive behavior comments about our students!
The students are working hard to establish routines for reading and math small group rotations. In math the students completed their first unit of study on graphing and took a powertest assessment. Next week in math we will begin a unit of study on place value. Third graders need to read, write, and determine the value of a digit through the hundred thousands place. In reading next week we will introduce our word work station and practice working with words. We will continue to focus on collaborating with each other as we read, think, and write to respond to what we read. In social studies we will complete our unit on civics by learning about the government and all of the wonderful diversity that unites us as Americans. The students will have a social studies test on Friday, September 20.
Upcoming Events:
Monday, September 16-Digital Back to School comes home via email
Friday, September 20-Civics test/end of Big Blast Fundraiser
Monday, September 30-Student half day/STEAM Day
Have a wonderful weekend!

week of 9/9

Dear families,
We have had an outstanding first week of school! The students are learning to work cooperatively, follow rules, show kindness to others, and understand differences in our class community. We have been practicing for read to self during reading, learning about graphs in math, writing to respond to what we have read in reading, and learning citizenship in social studies.

In reading next week we will continue to learn reading expectations in class. We will write to describe how to be a good citizen. In math we will continue our unit on graphing. The students have a computer test on graphing Friday, September 13.
In social studies we will continue citizenship and the US government.
Today we had our kick off assembly for our fall fundraiser. The fundraiser lasts through September 20. The students have a packet in their daily folders today that describes how to help our school raise funds for student programs and supplies. Last year we were able to raise enough money for every teacher to have a document camera in their classroom. Thank you in advance for your support!

There has been a change in our daily schedule. Please review the changes that have been made.
Our Back to School night will be sent to you as a powerpoint on September 16. Trevvett is looking forward to taking this opportunity to have individual conferences with families so we know how to best support your child.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Hufnell and Mrs. Duffy

First week of School

Dear families,
We are off to a fantastic year in third grade! I am so impressed with the students’ attention and interest to our first day activities. Here are a few updates:
Snack-Families are encouraged to send in a healthy snack for the students to eat at 10 am every day. Please do not send in any drinks or messy items that students may spill or need a spoon to consume. We will continue with instruction during snack time so it needs to be something that they can eat while completing their learning activities. We discourage nut based snacks. Thank you!
I am attaching our daily schedule for your information. We have PE tomorrow. Please wear appropriate athletic footwear!
Students have a project to complete that will come home tomorrow in their daily folders. The directions are included. This is due on Friday, September 6. It is also attached to the blog under the heading homework.
I am looking forward to working with your child this year!
Ms. Hufnell and Mrs. Duffy