ACA Faculty

                                        Advance College Academy Faculty at Highland Springs High School
English Mr.  Miller (Honors English 9)Ms. Hollister (Honors English 10)

Mrs. Ramirez (Reynolds English 111, 112, 241, 242)

Math Mr. Reuter (Reynolds Math 161 and 261)Mr. Geib (Honors Geometry)

Ms. Holmes (Honors Algebra II)

History and Political Science Mr. Billett (AP World History)Mr. Wilson (Reynolds History 121 and 122)

Ms. Nash (Reynolds Political Science 211 and 212)

Science Ms. Depugh & Ms. Lilly  (Honors Biology)Ms.  Quraishi (Honors Chemistry)

Mrs. Leonard (Physics) 

Ms.  Anderson (AP Chemistry) 

Ms. Sherwood (Reynolds Biology 101 and 102, AP Environmental)

Business Ms. Fujah  (Reynolds Business 100)Mrs. Artis-Ablack (Reynolds ITE 115 and 140)

Dr. Scott (Reynolds Accounting 211 and 212)

Mrs. Huss (Reynolds Economics 201 and 202)