The Slippy Grippies

Name of Invention: The Slippy Grippies
Group Members Noah Batterson, Peter Zhang, Jacob Herndon, and Vincent Guarneri

Website Image:

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Brief Description of the Invention: The Slippy Grippy is a versatile and innovative product used to beat back all the pesky puddles and spills. They are easily slipped on which allows for a quick run to the mail after a rainy day or when you’re walking your dog. It doesn’t hurt when you step on a rock or when you walk on gravel. These functions make this product a must-have for any average consumer.

Category: Uncategorized | Tags: #waterproof #slippygrippies #versatile

The Slippy Grippies

Name of Invention: The Slippy Grippies
Group Members Noah Batterson, Peter Zhang, Jacob Herndon, and Vincent Guarneri

Website Image:

Link To Website:

Brief Description of the Invention: The Slippy Grippy is a versatile and innovative product used to beat back all the pesky puddles and spills. They are easily slipped on which allows for a quick run to the mail after a rainy day or when you’re walking your dog. It doesn’t hurt when you step on a rock or when you walk on gravel. These functions make this product a must-have for any average consumer.

Category: Uncategorized | Tags: #waterproof #slippygrippies #versatile