Name of Invention: The Deep Sleeper
Group Members Srinivasan Kannan and Preston Centeno
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Brief Description of the Invention: The Deep Sleeper is a way to make your sleep better. It makes work easier for you and it only costs 50 dollars. It prevents you from kicking off your blanket, and also makes it easier to push it off yourself in the morning as well.
Category: Uncategorized | Tags: Sleeping
I don’t experience this problem and think it is a little to hard to reset the clips. Also, what if you kick or slap the clipy thingy and it goes WHOOSHSH and falls of BAM your cold.
I like it but can’t you just get three or however many blankets you need on up to control the temperature too?
You guys obviously put a lot of thought into solving this problem. It’s creative and the quality itself is great! I would definitely consider investing in this product!
This is a really good idea, but your feet may hit the part where the blanket attaches onto.
It is very interesting and intriguing good job.
It is
The Deep Sleeper is very cool. You clearly put a lot of time and thought into it. The only thing is that I’m not sure exactly how to use it.
Thank you
This was a great idea, and it solved a problem, and the demonstration was phenomenal.
This seems like a good product in Winter, especially soon.
Even though I don’t have this problem, it is very creative and makes sense and solves a real problem that a lot of people have. I think this would be a very good invention
Great idea and I like how you made it work well
This is awesome I actually have this problem at home. Where can I get one?
I like the idea but i dont see how it would help you stay cool at night
It seems a bit confusing to me.
I think it is cool, and original
I think it’s a good idea, but the problem is that you might hit your foot on the retractable thingy. And that would painful.
This seems very uncomfortable and inconvenient. I wouldn’t want this because I sleep fine anyways but I don’t think this would help people who can’t sleep well anyways.
Zenia I understand your concern but for us light sleepers out there, this product actually works. I have tested it myself.