The OverVid

Name of Invention: The OverVid
Group Members Devi, Garrett, Ramesh, Rajiv, and Jeet

Website Image:The-Video-Buddy-Logo-V2_edited-11

Link To Website:

Brief Description of the Invention: Ever want to hold your phone to watch videos in bed, but your arms get tired? The OverVid uses cutting edge technology to effectively hold your phone for you, so you don’t have to.

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17 thoughts on “The OverVid

  1. This invention is a good idea, but I feel like you could’ve been more creative with how you made it come to life.

  2. I like the idea because I experience this issue a lot. I think the wire used to hold it should be more stable but other than that this invention was really well put together.

  3. I liked how you could move the suction cup to wherever you want, but I question how sturdy the tubing is and if the phone holder can fit enough different sizes of phones.

  4. The OverVid was pretty great, as it took things that already exist, combined them, and created something totally new and unique. I encounter the problem of my arms losing energy often, and I would for sure purchase this product.

  5. This is basically the same invention as Declan’s group, I think you should find a way to distinguish it from the other group. Overall it is a good idea though.

  6. I think this is a good idea and a good invention, but the chord coming from the suction cup seems very flimsy, so I think something should’ve been done to fix that.

  7. The over-vid is a great idea but was made poorly, the suction cup is a great idea but why just tape a rubber tube is a metal piece, make another type of structure.

  8. I think the Over Vid is an awesome product because you can stick it anywhere. All you have to do is stick it to the wall and your set. You don’t have to put on a hat or anything else. However, I think this product can be expanded to books and other devices that people have in bed.

  9. This is a cool idea, but it is similar to another person’s group, try to do something that distinguishes yourself from another group.

  10. This invention is cool and solves a problem for many people in our generation, but is very, very similar to another groups’ invention. It is also rather bulky.

  11. Although this was a cool product, it didn’t seem to be practical. I think that you could have found a way to make this so that it is a little less bulky.

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