Name of Invention: The Bolder
Group Members Jack Baruch, Connor Olio, Jared McBride
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Brief Description of the Invention: The bolder is the perfect way to fix the problem of disorganization of the middle school student. It will make it so lazy students don’t have to waste energy and time to open their backpack and take out their binder.
Category: Uncategorized | Tags: #bolder #backpack #folder
A creative way to store back pack stuff.
This will help me a lot because i hate taking my binder out of my backpack and im very disorganized
By the end of the school year, more of the middle, I kind of give up on all organization, so this would be great!
This invention would definitely prevent myself from shoving all of my papers in one folder!
I like it and I know my sister would buy it, but I would make it so it could hold kindles and books.
Great idea for lots of disorganized people!!!!
Pretty awesome guys, I always loose my papers
I know this idea will be helpful to many students especially ones that don’t have binders. But i am curious as to how it actually sticks to the backpack or does it just sit there and have the potential to fall out.
This would be really for me with all my crumpled loose papers in my backpack.
Seems like a cool idea, especially for unorganized people.
I think you could have innovated even more to a point where it wasn’t similar to products already out there.
I like the overall idea, also it has a minimalist design, so it doesn’t intrude and distract you
Really smart way of solving a common issue