Senate Page Program

The Senate Page Program is a unique opportunity for high school juniors to get involved in government service, see the legislative process in action, and experience life in our nation’s capital. Senator Warner enjoys the privilege of sponsoring a Page, and welcomes your students’ interest in this exciting opportunity. Young Virginians who would like to apply for the program should visit Senator Warner’s website at: Senate Page Program Information for additional details about requirements and application materials.

The minimum requirements mandated by the Senate Page Program are:

  • Senate Pages must be sponsored by a Senator.
  • Pages must be citizens of the United States or subject to agreements of the Department of State, and must have a Social Security number.
  • Page eligibility is limited to juniors in high school who will be 16 or 17 on or before the date of appointment.
  • Pages must verify a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a home school transcript and a certification of immunization to qualify for attendance at the school.
  • A general health assessment completed by a licensed physician is required, in addition to certification of immunization. Pages play an important role in the day-to-day operation of the Senate. Their schedule can be long and tedious, and requires tremendous endurance; good health and stamina are requirements which cannot be waived.
  • Pages are also required to be covered by health insurance; if not covered, they will be required to enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

If you have any questions about the Senate Page Program, feel free to contact Senator Warner’s Washington DC office at 202-224-2023.