Announcements Course Selection

Virtual Elective Fair, 2/11

Rising 7th and 8th graders! Hear about class options, find out about specialty centers, and learn what next year is going to be like.

Announcements Course Selection

Rising 6th Grade Virtual Transition Fair, 2/9

Current 5th graders: Are you excited about the middle school experience? Wondering what to expect? Looking forward to changing classes? Ready to be an ELKO EAGLE?

Announcements Specialty Centers

2020-2021 HCPS Specialty Center Assessment Tests

The 2021-22 Specialty Center assessment test for all students currently enrolled in Henrico County middle schools will be administered in February.  This year’s test includes up to three sections: reading, mathematics, and writing.

Specialty Centers

Elko HS Specialty Centers Interest Form

8th Graders can apply to High School Specialty Centers beginning November 16th! Students who are interested in applying should go to and sign-up for assistance. Parents/guardians must first complete an Authorization/Waiver form through their PowerSchool account. Please contact Mr. Lewis if you have any questions.

Specialty Centers

Virtual Open Houses for HCPS High School Specialty Centers start 10/26

Henrico County Public Schools’ High School Specialty Centers offer students a chance to immerse themselves in an area of particular interest, engage in a rigorous, tailored curriculum and be part of a community that shares their passions.